
William Golding - Roman Florimonte

  • William Goldings Birth

    William Goldings Birth
    William Golding was born, on September 19, 1911, in Newquay, Cornwall, England.
  • Williams First Novel

    Williams First Novel
    William received his early education at the school his father ran, Marlborough Grammar School. When William was just 12 years old, he attempted to write a novel.
  • William Goldings Marriage

    William Goldings Marriage
    On September 30th, 1939, William Golding married Molly Evans.
  • War

    In 1940, William abandoned the profession of writing to join the Royal Navy and fight in WW2.
  • 2nd Try

    2nd Try
    After WW2 ended in 1945, William returned to teaching and writing.
  • The Creation of Lord of The Flies

    The Creation of Lord of The Flies
    In the year 1954, after 21 total rejections, william published his first and most popular book, "Lord of The Flies"
  • Lord of The Flies Movie Is Made

    Lord of The Flies Movie Is Made
    In 1963, Lewis M. Allen, and Peter Allen produced the Lord of The Flies official movie.
  • Williams Nobel Prize

    Williams Nobel Prize
    In 1983, William Golding received his Nobel Prize.
  • Being Knighted

    Being Knighted
    In 1988 William was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
  • William Goldings Death

    William Goldings Death
    On the tragic date of, June 19, 1993, William sadly passed away at the age of 81, and died at, Perranarworthal, United Kingdom.