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William Golding

  • William Gerald Golding born.

    Golding was born in Cornwall, England to parents Mildred and Alec Golding. His father was a schoolteacher and his mother was a supporter of the British Suffragette movement.
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    Golding attends Oxford

    Golding spent two years studying science at Brasenose Collage. He than studied literature for three years.
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    Golding Works at a theater

    Golding worked at a small London theater as a actor, writer, and producer. He paid his bills by doing work as a social worker.
  • Golding married Brookfield

    Golding married Anne Brookfield, an analytical chemist. They had two children David (b.1940) and Judith (b.1945)
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    Golding's Navy career

    Golding like most able bodied men was drafted for World War 2. In his five years of service his view of humanity drastically changed.
  • "Lord of the Flies" published

    After twenty-one rejections "LotF" was published. This novel set the tone for future works.
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    Golding published his works.

    Golding published the majority of his works in this period of time."The Inheritors, The Pyramid, and Fire Down Below," where among the published works.
  • Golding died.

    Golding died of a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall. The manuscript for his last novel was published posthumously.