William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19th, 1911.
  • College

    Golding went to Oxford in 1930 and spent two years studying science. On his third year he switched to the literature program.
  • Graduating College

    In 1935 Golding graduated college with a Bachelors degree of Arts in English and a diploma in education.
  • Teaching

    In 1935 Golding started teaching and an English teacher and philosophy teacher at Bishop Wordsworth's school in Salisbury.
  • Navy

    In 1940 Golding temporarily quit teaching and joined the Navy.
  • End of the war

    In 1945, the war ended. After the war ended Golding went back to teaching.
  • First Publications

    In 1954 Golding published his first book after 21 failed attempts.
  • First Film

    After he retired from a teacher in 1963 he released his first film.
  • Nobel Prize

    In 1983 Golding was awarded the Noble Prize of Literature for the book Lord of The Flies.
  • Knighting

    In 1988 he was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth.