William Golding

  • Birth

    William was born on September 19th, 1911 in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. His mother, Mildred, was a active suffragette who fought for women´s right to vote.
  • Teaching

    After college Golding decided to follow in his fathers footsteps to be a teacher, in 1935 he started teaching at ´Bishop Wordworth´s School.´ He ended teaching unruly young boys later inspiring him to write his novel.
  • Marriage

    William Golding married Ann Brookfield in 1939 and later had two children, David (b. 1940) and Judith (b. 1945)
  • Royal Navy

    Golding served 5 years on a battleship for WW2. Then he realized what people were capable, saying ¨men produces evil as a bee produces honey
  • Returning to Teaching

    After serving in the war Golding went back to teaching at ´Bishop Wordsworth´s School´ and picked up on writing.
  • Writing

    After several years of teaching at ´Bishop Wordsworth´s School´ he quit to continuing writing full time
  • 'Lord of the Flies' got published

    After 21 rejections, Golding got his first and his most famous book published. His book is full of symbolism and is still taught in classrooms across the world.
  • Film of 'Lord of the Flies'

    After a year of retiring from teaching, Golding's book 'Lord of the Flies' was made into a film by Peter Brook
  • Nobel Prize

    In 1983, at the age of 73, William Golding won a Nobel Prize for Literature for his novel 'Lord of the Flies' proving how his book impacted the culture and how teaching changed in the classrooms
  • Death

    William Golding passed away in Perranarworthal, Cornwall, England. His cause of death was congestive heart failure at the age of 81