William Golding

  • Birth

    He was born in the town of Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall , England. His father was a school master and his mother fought for women's rights.
  • First Novel

    At the age of 12 William attempted to write his first book, though failing to do so. This failure frustrated him causing him to bully his peers.
  • Collage

    After primary school William attended Brasenose College at Oxford University. He studied english literature, despite his father wanting him to become a scientist.
  • Teaching

    After graduating William would take up a teaching position. It was this experience that would lead to inspiration for the Lord of Flies.
  • Navy

    For most of the 6 years after joining William spent his time on a boat. He fought in WWII battling at see and even taking command of multiple ships.
  • Publishing of Lord of the Flies

    After 21 rejections his most acclaimed novel would be published. The novel tells the story of a group of kids stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash.
  • Royal Society of Literature

    Only a year after publication Lord of the Flies would earn William a place in this honor society. He would also receive the title Commander of the British Empire years later.
  • First movie

    Though not till after William had retired a movie was created about lord of the flies. Made by Peter Brook the film was an adaptation of the famous novel.
  • Nobel Prize

    William would receive the Nobel prize for literature in 1983. He would also be knighted 5 years later by Queen Elizabeth.
  • Death

    William would die of a heart attack at the age of 83. Having spent the last years of his life writing at his house were he lived with his wife.