William Golding

By AvaF10
  • Birth

    He was born on September 19, 1911, in Newquay, United Kingdom to Alec and Mildred Golding.
  • Early Childhood

    Early Childhood
    When he was younger, William Golding had very little social experience and he got into many fights with other children. After he fought with the other kids, he wondered why they didn't like him, which resulted in his mother talking to his teachers and resolving most of the conflict.
  • Education

    In 1938, he began his teaching career in English and music at Maidstone Grammar School and ended it in 1940.
  • Marriage

    He married Ann Brookfield on September 30, 1939.
  • First Child

    First Child
    His first child, David Golding, was born in September of 1940.
  • Second Child

    Second Child
    His second child, Judy Golding, was born in July of 1945.
  • First Book to be Published

    First Book to be Published
    The first book that he published was "Lord of the Flies", which came out on September 17, 1954.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    In 1983, he won the Nobel Prize in literature for his fables of human conditions.
  • Last Book Published

    Last Book Published
    He published his last book, "Fire Down Below", in 1989.
  • Death

    He died on June 19, 1993, in his house, Tullimaar House, in Perranarworthal, United Kingdom. His cause of death was due to heart failure.