William Golding

  • Birth of William Golding

    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911. He was born in Saint Coulomb Minor, Cornwall, England.
  • First Published Work

    William published his first book in 1934. It was a book of poetry entitled "Poems."
  • Began Teaching

    In 1935 William took a position teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury. This later served as his inspiration for his book "Lord of The Flies."
  • Family

    Golding married his wife, Ann Brookfield in 1939. They had two children named David and Judith.
  • Joins the Royal Navy

    In 1940 William temporarily abandoned his teaching job to fight in the Royal Navy during World War ll. He spent most of his next six years on a boat.
  • War Ends

    In 1945 the War ends and he returns home. He continues his teaching and writing career.
  • Lord of the Flies is Published

    After 21 rejections, Golding published his first and most acclaimed novel, "Lord of the Flies." The book set the tone for his future works.
  • "Lord of the Flies" Film Created

    In 1963 a year after Golding retired from teaching a "Lord of the Flies" film was created. Peter Brook created a film adaptation for the novel.
  • Golding Receives Nobel Prize

    In 1983 William received a Nobel Prize for Literature at age 73. Five years later he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Death of William Golding

    William Golding died in 1993 due to a heart attack. His completed manuscript for "The Double Tongue" was published after his death.