Sir william golding 9314523 1 402

William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born in the lovely country of Cornwall England on september 19, 1911.
  • Education

    William golding went to school Brasenose College, Oxford, Marlborough Grammar School he graduated and intended to follow in his farther's footsteps.
  • Book of Poems

    Book of Poems
    In 1935 William Golding published a book of poems this was his first book to be published.
  • Marriage

    William married a beautiful analytical chemist on September 30, 1939, named Ann Brookfield.
  • Starting a family

    Starting a family
    William golding got married had two beautiful children with his wife Ann, named David and Judith.
  • Army

    William Golding joins the army in 1940 and is at sea for 6 years but this experience serves as inspiration for future books.
  • Publishing of Lord of the Flies

    Publishing of Lord of the Flies
    The successful book Lord of the Flies was published on september 17, 1954.
  • Teaching

    William Golding started teaching when he finished college after deciding to follow in his father's footsteps.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    William Golding won the prestigious Nobel prize in 1983.
  • Death

    Honored author William golding died June 19, 1993, in his house of a heart attack.