Faulkner and new wife buy the antebellum home "The Shegog Place"
Faulkner writes "As I lay Dying"
Period: to
Pluto Discovered
William Falkner published "A Rose for Emily"
William Flakner wrote "Sanctuary" for money
Faulkner writes short stroy collection (13 stories)
Star Spangled Banner officially becomes National Anthem
Empire State Building Opens
Faulkner writes "A Light in August"
Lindbergh's Baby Kidnapped
Motro-Goldwyn-Mayer (film studio) hire William Falkner
Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
Assassination Attempt on FDR
First Nazi Concentration Camp
Bonnie and Clyde Killed
Cheesburger Created
Parker Brothers sell Manopoly Game
"Absolam Absalom!" released by William Falkner
1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin
Amelia Earhart Vanishes
Hindenburg catches Fire
WWII Begins
Wizard of Oz Movie Premiers
William Faulkner selected to join the National Institute of Arts and Letters ranks
Faulkner published "THe Hamlet" (The first book of the Snopes trilogy)