Early Ideas for the Internet
Despite the Internet not being in place for another several decades, Nikola Tesla, among other scientists and inventors, toys with the idea of worldwide networks of information, long before the technology to do so was even created. -
The first working prototype of the Internet, called the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, is released. ARPANET, for short, uses packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on the same network. -
Electronic mail
E-mail was the first widely publicized example that businesses used for online advertising. Gary Thuerk, a marketer from the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), sent an email to a majority of ARPANET'S American users on the west coast -
The Internet that we know now
ARPANET adopts TCP/IP, and from then on, researchers assemble the "network of networks" that would eventually grow to become the modern Internet of today. -
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The Internet throughout the years
How the Internet has grown and improved since its creation -
World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, posts a short summary of the World Wide Web, which is what has given the Internet a more recognizable form. -
Steve Chen, along with Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, first launch YouTube, giving millions of citizens access to educational tutorials and entertainment videos, as well as the ability to create their own to assist each other. -
U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith (R-TX), along with 12 co-sponsors, introduce the Stop Online Piracy Act bill, which was met with harsh criticisms from both skeptics and public citizens, stating that it violates the First Amendment, and could begin a global arms race of unprecedented censorship of the Internet.