My Birthday!
On this day I learned to breathe and eat on my own. -
Feeding Myself For The First Time
On this day I learned to no longer depend on my parents to feed me, I learned to feed myself. -
Graduation From Pre-K
I graduated from Pre-K.I am a year ahead. I was learning to prepare myself for Kindergarden. -
I Got Stiches
On this day I learned to not walk with a full glass of water, and drop it, slip and fall, and land on the glass and cut my forehead open. -
First Dance Recital
I learned to not have stage fright, and to just go up there, and have fun with it. -
Baby Sister Tinley Was Born
On this day I learned how to take care of my sister, and felt what it was like to have a baby sister. -
Sandy Hook Shooting
This meant alot too me because kids and teachers were killed by this shooter. Teachers risked their lives for these kids, and hearing about it is really upsetting, it had an important relevance too me. -
Players Help Injured Player
This is relevant too me because I do play softball, and it shows that even though were on seperate teams doesn't mean that we wont help eachother when times come. -
SAC Banquet
On this day I learned that when you work hard, you do get recogized, and you recieve oppurtunities. -
Got MVP In Softball
On this day I learned that hard work, and dedication really does pay off. Even when you want to give up when it gets tough and feel you can't do it. My coaches pushed me. -
Baby Brother Rylan Was Born
On this day I learned how it was like to have a baby brother. I also adjusted to having a baby and a toddler and an older brother all at one time. -
First Day of Junior Year
On this day I learned that my senior year was coming up faster than I realized, and I needed to cherish the moments while they were still infront of me. -
Cedar Point Rider Gets HIt by Ride
This means something too me because my family and I always go to Cedar Point and hearing this happened upsets me.