who am 1 (1)
Mathias schleiden was born in Hamburg, Germany 1804/apr/5 -
who am i (2) Theodor schwann
Theodor Schwann was born 7,Dec 1810 in Neuss Germany -
who am i (3) Rudolf Virchow
Rudolf Virchow was born in Świdwin, Poland 1821 oct,13 -
who am i (2) Theodor schwann
he went to Würzburg to continue his medical studies, and from there to Berlin to graduate in 1834 -
who am 1 (1)
1838 Matthias Schleiden discovered the plants where made up of cells -
Who am 1 (1)
1838 his methods had led him to propose the cell theory for plants. He was the first to recognize the importance of cells as fundamental units of life. -
who am 1 (1)
In 1838 his methods had led him to propose the cell theory for plants. he was the first recognize the importance of cells as fundamental units of life. -
Who am 1 (1)
1839 theodor Schwann would expand Schleiden's cell theory to include the animal world. Establishing cell theory as the fundamental concept in biology. -
who am i (2) Theodor schwenn
in 1839 Theodor schwenn published the Microscopical Researches into the Accordance in the Growth and Structure of Animals and Plants. -
Who am i (3) Rudolf virchow
The science of diseased cells and tissues he published a scientific paper in 1845. that discussed the oldest know pathological descriptions of leukemia. -
who i am (2) Theodor schwenn
He investigated muscular contraction and nerve structure discovering the striated muscle in the upper esophagus and the myelin sheath covering peripheral axons. Now termed Schwann cells. -
Who am i (3) Rudolf virchow
IN 1869 he founded the germen society for physical anthropology, Ethnology and prehistory -
Who am i (3) Rudolf Virchow
Rudolf Virchow was a German doctor, Pathologist and anthropologist well know for his achievement in developing the cell theory -
who am 1 (1)
23 June 1881 Mathias Schleiden had passed a way -
who i am (2) theodor schwann
January 11 1882 Theodor schwann die in Cologne, German Empire -
who i am (3) Rudolf virchow
Rudoif virchow died in september 5,1902 in german