White Island

  • Discovery of the island

    It was discovered by British explorer Captain James Cook and it was named after the white plumes of smoke and steam rising from it.
  • Sulphur Mining

    Sulphur Mining
    Ten miners were killed in 1914 when part of the crater wall collapsed.
  • small, geyser-like explosions

    small, geyser-like explosions
    Almost three months ago, GeoNet reported “small, geyser-like explosions” of mud and steam were happening inside the crater. The cause was simple enough to explain. The crater lake level had risen, covering some of the active vents on the crater floor with water.
  • Increase in activity

    Increase in activity
    The Volcanic Alert Level remained at 1 out of 5, however, GeoNet reported “an increase in activity.” There had been a notable change in the volcano’s sulfur dioxide output and its level of volcanic tremor, with both factors at their highest mark since 2016 – when White Island last erupted.
  • Volcanic Alert Raise

    Volcanic Alert Raise
    In mid-November, GeoNet raised the Volcanic Alert Level for White Island to level two, saying the degree of volcanic tremor had increased from weak to moderate strength.
  • Eruption

    At 2.11pm local time, the volcano erupted, with two explosions in quick succession spewing a column of ash 3600 metres into the air. Authorities estimate 47 people were on or around White Island at the time. Due to the webcam image, we know about a dozen of them were unfortunate enough to be inside the crater itself.