George washington

Whistleblower Protection Over the Course of U.S. History

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    Whistleblower Legislations

    New laws have been placed over time since the beginning of our country to keep Whistleblowers protected

    Continental Congress passes legislation to protect service members that report their Commanders of committing inhumane acts after 10 Marines and Sailors report their commander.
  • Lincoln Law

    The False Claims Act of 1863 allowed for citizens to file lawsuits on behalf of the Federal Government against businesses or individuals suspecting of fraud against the Government after lacking sufficient funds for enough Private Investigators.
  • Lloyd-La Follette Act

    Protects Civil Servants from reporting superiors if there is "just cause" or can help create more efficiency in the Bussiness.
  • Freedom of Information Act

    Opened up the workings of the U.S. Government to public scrutiny
  • Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989

    Legislation that protects civilians that disclose information from retaliation.
  • The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012

    Extends The Protection Act of 1989 to Federal Employees in the Intelligence Community and others with security clearances