While the World Watched Jennifer Duran 2nd

  • 9/11

  • Maggy, first dog

    Maggy, first dog
    Maggy changed my life because she was like my bestfriend when I was little.
  • I Started Dancing

    I Started Dancing
  • Music

    Music changed my life because when im bored I can listen to music and when im doing my homework I listen to music.
  • Facebook

    I can keep in touch with friends and family on Facebook thats why it changed my life.
  • Rachel's Challenge

    Rachel's Challenge
    Rachel's Challenge helped me in being nicer and helpful to people and friends.
  • Watched Peranormal Activity 4

    Watched Peranormal Activity 4
    I watched Peranormal Activity 4 and it scared me for 1 week and I couldnt sleep.
  • Obama's Election

    Obama's Election
    Obama's election changed my life because mexicans that are immagrents get to stay in Georgia.
  • First time playing basketball

    First time playing basketball
    First time I played basketball I enjoyed it. And it changed my life because ever since I started playing basketball, my friends and I will play it together. And I wont be alone.
  • Chorus BMMS

    Chorus BMMS
    Chorus changed my life because I sing with my friends and im not shy and my friends tell me im a good singer.