Book whenyoureachme

When You Reach Me - Book Timeline

  • Sal gets punched.

    Sal gets punched.
    (Date is approximate.)
    Sal is not friends with Miranda anymore.
    Miranda doesn't have any other friends so she has to become friends with Annemarie.
    Miranda becomes curious about Marcus because he punched Sal for no reason at all.
  • Miranda becomes friends with Annemarie.

    (Date is approximate.)
    Annemarie has epilepsy.
    Miranda hates a girl named Julia although, Julia cares alot about Annemarie.
    Miranda is nicer to Julia because she cares about Annemarie.
    Miranda becomes nicer to everyone.
  • Miranda, Colin, and Annemarie start working at Jimmy's sandwich shop.

    Miranda, Colin, and Annemarie start working at Jimmy's sandwich shop.
    (Date is approximate.)
    Jimmy's Flinstone bank is stolen later in the book.
    Belle, who works at the grocery store, shows Miranda alot of two dollar bills and Miranda knows that the laughing man stole the bank because Belle showed Miranda who was paying her the two dollar bills. Also, Miranda could tell the two dollar bills were folded the same way which meant, they were the same two dollar bills from the Flinstone bank.
  • First note from someone unknown.

    (Date is approximate.)
    Miranda figures out that something weird is going on. She figures out that someone knows about her.
  • Second note.

    (Date is approximate.)
  • Third note.

    (Date is approximate.)
  • First proof that the note is accurate.

    (Date is approximate.)
  • Fired from Jimmy's and Jimmy's flintstone bank is stolen.

    (Date is approximate.)
  • Second proof that the note is accurate.

    (Date is approximate.)
  • Sal's accident.

    Sal's accident.
    (Date is approximate.)
  • Police come to question Marcus.

    Police come to question Marcus.
    (Date is approximate.)
  • $20,000 pyramid.

    $20,000 pyramid.
    Miranda figures out things about the laughing man and how he is in the right place at the right time.