time line of my life

  • when i was 3 i played call of duty and i was good at it so when i got older i went pro

    when i was 3 i played call of duty and i was good at it so when i got older i went pro
  • when i was 7 i went to a family party

    when i was 7 i went to a family party
  • when i was 7 i started to want to play basketball so i trained all day but then i fell off

    when i was 7 i started to want to play basketball so i trained all day but then i fell off
  • and when i was 7 i went to basketball tryouts for the foudation

    and when i was 7 i went to basketball tryouts for the foudation
  • but i left the team when i was 8

    but i left the team when i was 8
  • when i was 8 i wanted to try baseball

    when i was 8 i wanted to try baseball
  • and when i played baseball i was good at pitching

    and when i played baseball i was good at pitching
  • and then my uncle got me a thing for pitching

    and then my uncle got me a thing for pitching
  • and at the time my uncle liked football so when we saw my arm he thought i could be a qb

    and at the time my uncle liked football so when we saw my arm he thought i could be a qb
  • so he bought me sum gloves so we could run 1v1

    so he bought me sum gloves so we could run 1v1
  • so we practiced all day with catching

  • and then i tried out for a team

  • i didnt make the team as a qb i made it on line backer and my uncle didnt like that so we left the team:/

  • and then i went back to school in 2017

  • i was all was getting in trouble in school

  • so since i got in trouble i didnt get any gifts for my birthday

  • so i need to change so i tried my best to stay out of trouble but if someone hit me i was gonna hit back i grew up on that

  • 7th grade wasnt that hard

  • the it was 2020 in a flash and now im 13

  • and there is a virus and we doing a online class like im doing class work like rn rn