Wheel Considered since one of the big advances of the humanity is the first step in order that the humanity could advance more rapid.
By FERDomin
INTERNET:a simpler way of illustrating the Internet impact is seeing the numbers. In 1969 only four persons had Internet, 50.000 in 1988, one million in 1991 and 500 millions in 2001. Nowadays more than 1.500 million persons have Internet.
CARD OF CREDIT; We must be grateful for the North American Ralph Schneider, the founder of Diner's Club, for this dangerous advance that makes to us the life much easier and also the trips.
The compass (1190) The first travelers were forced to rely on natural points of reference like mountains or islands, as well as on rough maps, to know in that top of the world they were. This was doing that almost always they were feeling lost.
AEROPLANE:los brothers Wright realized the first flight supported and controlled of a device stimulated by an engine that lasted 12 seconds.
HOTEL;The first American hotel, the City Hotel, was inaugurated in 1794, in the city of New York. The City Hotel was possessing 73 quarters for guests, whose only intention was the accomodations
FITUR is a global meeting point for tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound Ibero American markets.
The ITB Berlin (Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin) is the world's largest tourism trade fair. The companies represented at the fair include hotels, tourist boards, tour operators, system providers, airlines and car rental companies.
FIT 2016, la feria de turismo más importante de Latinoamérica;
NEW YORK TRAVE, SHOWThe 18-year-old minor young persons can enter totally gratis to this International Fair where you will be able to enjoy a world tour the exhibition of 500 tourist destinations and emblematic
Decree 21/2002, of January 29 it regulates the organization and functioning of the Andalusian Advice of the Tourism c. Decree 6/2000, of January 17 for which Adviser believes himself the Advice as for Tourism for the study and production of legal procedure and dispositions of general character d. Decree 1/1998, of January 7 for the one that believes itself the Advice of Interdepartmental Coordination as for Tourism.