Whats happened since 1995

  • Kobe, Japan Earthquake

    Kobe, Japan Earthquake
    The city of Kobe, Japan is hit by a massive 7.2 magnitude earthquake killing 5,372 people.
  • TWA Flight 800 Crashes

    TWA Flight 800 Crashes
    Source 2</a>TWA Flight 800 explodes and crashes in the Atlantic ocean of the coast of Long Island. This event left all 230 passengers dead.
    Source 1
    Source 2
  • South Park Premiere

    South Park Premiere
    The first episode of South Park aires on national television.
  • Jonesboro Massacre

    Jonesboro Massacre
    Westside middle school; Jonesboro, AK; was shot up by two students aged 13 and 11. They left 5 dead and 10 wounded.
  • Coumbine Massacre

    Coumbine Massacre
    Two students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris open fired on Columbine High School killing 13 and wounding 24 more.
  • World Trade Center Attack

    World Trade Center Attack
    Terrorists hijack 4 planes and send 2 of them into the Twin Towers in NYC killing 2,752 people. The third crashed into the pentagon killing 125 people. The fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania killing 64.
  • Algerian Earthquake

    Algerian Earthquake
    Algeria is hit by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake Killing 2,266 and injuring about 10,261.
  • Whale Exploded in Taiwan

    Whale Exploded in Taiwan
    A 60 ton sperm exploded in Tainan, Taiwan due to gas build up.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    A catagory 5 hurricane does its most devastating damage killing 1836 and causing $115 billion dollars in damage.
  • Sadadm Hussein Killed

    Sadadm Hussein Killed
    Former iraqi president Saddam Hussein is killed.
  • Iphone Announced

    Iphone Announced
    Apple co-founder Steve Jobs announces the iPhone.
  • Obama Elected

    Obama Elected
    Barack Obama is elected 44th President of the United States; he is the first African-American President.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    Haiti is hit by a massive earthquake killing over 230,000 people and destoying most of their capital city.
  • Osama Killed

    Osama Killed
    Osama bin laden is killed inside of his home near Abottabad, Pakistan by the US NAvy Seals.
  • Aurora Theater Shooting

    Aurora Theater Shooting
    James Holmes open fires at the Aurora Theater killing 12 and injuring 58.