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  • Iraq War begins

    Iraq War begins
    Iraqi troops hold 90 square miles of Iran after invasion; 8-year Iran-Iraq War begins (Sept. 19)
  • Anwar el-Sadat

    Anwar el-Sadat
    Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat is assassinated by Islamic extremists during a military parade in Cairo
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald Reagan elected president in Republican sweep (Nov. 4)
  • AIDS

    AIDS is first identified.
  • First personal computer

    IBM introduces its first personal computer, running the Microsoft Disk Operating System
  • Permanent artificial heart

    A permanent artificial heart is implanted in a human for first time in Dr. Barney B. Clark, 61, at University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City (Dec. 2).
  • Sally K. Ride

    Sally K. Ride
    Sally K. Ride, 32, first US woman astronaut in space as a crew member aboard space shuttle Challenger (June 18)
  • US invades Grenada

    US invades Grenada (Oct. 25)
  • Olympic games

    Olympic games
    Soviet Union withdraws from summer Olympic games in US, and other bloc nations follow (May 7
  • President Reagan re-elected

    President Reagan re-elected in landslide with 59% of vote
  • Apple

    Apple introduces the user-friendly Macintosh personal computer.
  • US and Vatican

    US and Vatican exchange diplomats after 116-year hiatus (Jan. 10
  • hepatitis B

    The first genetically-engineered vaccine, for hepatitis B, gains FDA approval.
  • Libyan

    President Reagan freezes Libyan assets in US (Jan. 8).
  • Major nuclear accident

    Major nuclear accident
    Major nuclear accident at Soviet Union's Chernobyl power station alarms world (April 26 et seq.)
  • Libyan "terrorist centers"

    US planes attack Libyan "terrorist centers" (April 14)
  • Iraqi missiles

    Iraqi missiles kill 37 in attack on US frigate Stark in Persian Gulf (May 17);
  • TV

    Ninety-eight percent of U.S. households have at least one television set.
  • global warming and the greenhouse effect

    NASA scientist James Hansen warns congress of the dangers of the global warming and the greenhouse effect.
  • free trade agreement

    US and Canada reach free trade agreement (Jan. 2).
  • Benazir Bhutto,

    Benazir Bhutto,
    Benazir Bhutto, first Islamic woman prime minister, chosen to lead Pakistan (Dec. 1)
  • China Democracy

    China Democracy
    Tens of thousands of Chinese students take over Beijing's Tiananmen Square in rally for democracy (April 19 et seq.).
  • WWW

    First World Wide Web server and browser developed by Tim Berners-Lee (England) while working at CERN.
  • Libyan fighters

    US planes shoot down two Libyan fighters over international waters in Mediterranean (Jan. 4)
  • George Herbert Walker Bush

    George Herbert Walker Bush
    George Herbert Walker Bush inaugurated as 41st US President (Jan. 20
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    After 28 years, Berlin Wall is open to West (Nov. 11)
  • US troops invade Panama

    US troops invade Panama
    US troops invade Panama, seeking capture of General Manuel Noriega (Dec. 20)
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    South Africa frees Nelson Mandela, imprisoned 27½ years
  • Panama

    General Manuel Noriega surrenders in Panama (Jan. 3)
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    Hubble Space Telescope
    The Hubble Space Telescope is launched (Apr. 25)
  • Persian Gulf War (Aug. 2 et seq.)

    Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, setting off the Persian Gulf War (Aug. 2 et seq.)
  • East and West Germany reunited

    East and West Germany reunited (Aug. 31
  • Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf War

    Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf War (April 3)
  • Boris Yeltsin

    Boris Yeltsin
    Boris Yeltsin becomes first freely elected president of Russian Republic (July 10)
  • Bush and Yeltsin proclaim a formal end to the Cold Wa

    Bush and Yeltsin proclaim a formal end to the Cold War (Feb. 1
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton elected President, Al Gore Vice President; Democrats keep control of Congress (Nov. 3)
  • South Africa

    South Africa holds first interracial national election (April 29); Nelson Mandela elected President
  • US rescues Mexico's economy with $20-billion aid program

    US rescues Mexico's economy with $20-billion aid program
  • Rwanda massacre

    Rwanda massacre
    Death toll 2,000 in Rwanda massacre (April 22)
  • South Africa gets new constitution

    South Africa gets new constitution (May 8)
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong returns to Chinese rule (June 30)
  • US spacecraft begins exploration of Mars (July 4)

    US spacecraft begins exploration of Mars (July 4)
  • Timothy J. McVeigh

    Timothy J. McVeigh sentenced to death for Oklahoma City bombing (Aug. 14
  • White House sex scandal

    President accused in White House sex scandal; denies allegations of affair with White House intern, Monica Lewinsky (Jan. 21 et seq.).
  • the euro

    the euro
    Europeans agree on single currency, the euro (May 3)
  • Y2K

    The world awaits the consequences of the Y2K bug, with more drastic millennial theorists warning of Armageddon.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush is sworn in as 43rd president (Jan. 20).
  • 9-11

    Terrorists attack United States. Hijackers ram jetliners into twin towers of New York City's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked plane crashes 80 mi outside of Pittsburgh (Sept. 11). Toll of dead and injured in thousands. Within days, Islamic militant Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist network are identified as the parties behind the attacks.