What will the world be like in 50 years’ time?

  • New entertainment

    The entertainment will be entirely virtual, video games and online content will surpass television and other mass media
  • The medicine advances

    New medicines wil cure diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
  • Futuristic school

    The school will use the virtual learnig
  • Smart house

    The houses will be intelligent to be more comfortable and offer better accommodation
  • Electro-cars

    Cars won't use petrol or diesel, but other fuels like electricity, and natural gas.
  • Organic life

    Organic food will help to carry out a good diet and a healthy diet
  • Smart clothes

    Clothes will be smart. They will have animations and lights instead of prints
  • Space holidays

    Holidays will be in outer space. We can visit other planets