What Was I Scared Of?

By Jassy.7
  • Sleeping In The Dark

    Sleeping In The Dark
    I had to sleep with a light on
  • Period: to

    What Was Am I Scared Of?

    What was I scared of and when?
  • Losing Mum

    Losing Mum
    I had to sleep with her teddy bear sprayed with her purfume so that she was with me when i was asleep
  • Something under my bed

    I was afraid that something/someone evil was hiding in my bedroom, either under my bed, or in my cupboard, and I thought it was going to get me in my sleep.
  • The Unknown

    Im afraid of what I don't know & afraid of what could happen to me
  • Losing The People That I Love

    Losing The People That I Love
    Im afraid that oneday those people won't be there for me
  • Gecko's

    The a little and squishy and lose their tails and they grow back, and they scare me :/
  • Being Hurt

    Boyfriends. Enough said.
  • Disappointment & Failure

  • Trusting People

    Trusting People
    Nearly every time I trust someone they let me down.