What Made Me

  • My Birth

    I was born in The Royal Sussex County Hospital
  • Period: to

    My Life and Socialisation Processthat shaped me

  • I Became Ill

    I contracted Pneumonia when i was 2 months old and spent 6 months in an oxygen tent due to a weakend immune system becuase i was born 3 weeks premeture. My social interaction in my family stated late. I was on breathing support until i was 2 years old.
  • House burnt down

    The first house i ever lived in burnt down after the old lady next door through a cigarette butt out her window onto our thatch roof.
  • Moved to The drive, Hove

    With the insurance money from the burnt down house and some of savings we moved to the drive in hove after living in the grand hotel for 2 months.
  • Moved to Piddinghoe, Lewes

    We decided the house in hove was big and weird so we moved to a cottage in Piddinghoe called The Old Vicerage.
  • My Sister, Angel was born.

    My little sister Angel was born.
  • Starting Nursery - Blue Bell Nursery

    I started nursery at bluebell nursery in hove. This is the earliest time i can remember meeting other kids my age. I remember crying for a full day straight until my mum picked me up. I only went to nursery for 1 week and then my Mum gave up and got an "au pair".
  • Moved to Spain

    Until i was 13 i was under the impression we moved to spain for 5 months due to my Dads boat selling business in Malaga. He was always away for up to 2 months at a time working so me, my sister and brother grew up with my Mum. My dad had actually been arrested and was being trailed in spain so we moved there during the court case.
  • Started School at Newlands

    I started school in year one missing reception. I always hated school and didnt get settled until i made my first best friend called William Purbrick there only 3 things i remember from Newlands. Will, winning sports day, getting sent to the headmasters office on the second day.
  • Leaving Newlands

    I left Newlands after getting into an arguement with my swimming teacher. He took away my free time during swimming for our next lesson so i said "I dont care, Im leaving this school becuase i hate it".
  • Started School at Iford Kingston, Lewes Year 2

    After telling my swimming teacher that i was leaving the school out of spite, coincidently my sister was starting reception at Irord Kingston primary school which was closer to our house. My mum gave me the option to go there aswell but wasnt forcing me as i had already started at newlands. But after being a spiteful 3-4 year old i decided to go there. I didnt consider at the time i would be leaving my friends behind... But i made new friends.
  • Leaving iford kingston.

    I left iford kingston and all my friends once again after my parents broke up and we moved to Brighton.
  • Started School at Brighton College

    After leaving Iford Kingston my mum told me that i was going to have a look at Brighton College school with her so she ditched me there and didnt tell me so i though i got abandoned. Turned out it was actually meant to be my first day and all i remember is some kid with a massive head offering me some hoola hoops in the play ground. I declined them.
  • Left Brighton College

    I left brighton college becuase my mum was told i wasnt smart engough to be a pupil there. This was most likely due to my highly interupted learning and being moved around so much. I'm also Dyslexic which wasnt apparent until my mum got me tested after i started doing puzzels upside down.
  • Started School at St. Lukes primary school

    I started school in Brighton and for the first time enjoyed it. I think this was becuase all my previous school were private school and St.Lukes being a state school was allot different and the sort of people were different which i felt allot more comfortable with.
  • Started School at dorothy stinger.

    First day of high school at dorothy stringer
  • Finished dorothy Stringer

    last day of dorothy stringer
  • prom

    prom night at the thistle hotel
  • started bhasvic

    first day at bhasvic
  • last day at bhasvic

    I left bhasvic
  • first day at varndean

    i started at varndean college