Germany marries france 1963

How did wars end up being the key to the creation of modern day Europe?

By pipou94
  • End of the Thirty Years War - Peace of Westphalia

    End of the Thirty Years War - Peace of Westphalia
    "The Ratification of the Peace of Münster" by the Dutch painter Gerard ter Borch is a painting which depicts the start of a series of treaties that, together, will constitute the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the 30 Years War in 1648. This led to a long lasting peace throughout Europe, as a consequence of the tiredness of the atrocities of war. The Treaty ended wars of religion in early modern Europe, and simultaneously put an end to one of the darkest periods of European history.
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    how did wars end up being the key to the creation of modern day Europe?

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    European History

    From the Peace of Westphalia to the Hague Congress, wars in Europe continually shaped its destiny. Treaties emerging out of each of the major wars ended up granting peace to the continent, which has been in place for the past 70 years. Wars were necessary to achieve this.
  • The Seven Years War - Treaty of Hubertusburg

    The Seven Years War - Treaty of Hubertusburg
    "The Treaty of Hubertusburg" by painter H. Faber depicts the peace treaty which ended the 7 Years War between Austria, Prussia and Saxony. The painting shows their representatives signing the treaty, which marked the rise of Prussia as a leading European power. Many see this treaty as the beginning of the future German Empire, hence its significance. One of the angels is about to throw a crown of laurels on Frederick of Prussia's head, while another is proclaiming: "all feuds are terminated".
  • Napoleonic Wars - Congress of Vienna

    Napoleonic Wars - Congress of Vienna
    This cartoon "la Balance Politique" (1815), from the journal Le Nain Jaune, shows the outcome of the Congress of Vienna, officially ending the Napoleonic Wars, which devastated Europe. The focus is on Prussia, which actually benefited the most due to its territorial acquisitions (Saxony in particular). This cartoon highlights the Great Powers splitting Europe between themselves, at the cost of self determination of its inhabitants, which would again alter the fate of the continent in the future.
  • Franco Prussia War - Treaty of Frankfurt

    Franco Prussia War - Treaty of Frankfurt
    The harsh Treaty of Frankfurt, which brought the Franco Prussian War to an end in 1871, directly led to the creation of the German Empire. "The Proclamation of the German Empire" by Anton von Werner (1885) depicts the significance of this event. It was commissioned by the Prussian royal family in February 1885 as a present for Bismarck’s upcoming 70th birthday.
  • World War One - Treaty of Versailles

    World War One - Treaty of Versailles
    This 1920 cartoon "Peace and Future Cannon Fodder" by Australian cartoonist W. Dyson describes surprinsingly well the future of Europe, as a result of the very unfair Versailles Treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied nations. Clemenceau (The Tiger), French president at the time, did everything he could to make Germany weak through the treaty, and the child representing the future soldiers of the Second World War is shown crying as a result because the treaty led to this second conflict.
  • World War Two - The Hague Congress

    World War Two - The Hague Congress
    This photograph taken by H. Den Haag shows the beginning of the Hague Congress on 7 may 1948, which marked the beginning of a new Europe, without war. Former British PM W. Churchill (left) was honorary chairman, and former French PM P. Ramadier (right) chairman of the Political Committee. This is a significant period of European history because the two European victorious powers along with 750 European delegates got together for the first time to ensure peace in Europe after the horrors of war.