What I've Done Today

By HyleJne
  • Woke up at 5:30am

    Woke up at 5:30am
    because I had to get some extra homework done
  • Washed my face @ 7:00am

    Washed my face @ 7:00am
    because I dont want to look gross
  • Brushed my teeth @ 7:05am

    Brushed my teeth @ 7:05am
    because I want bright healthy teeth
  • Got Dressed at 7:10am

    Got Dressed at 7:10am
    because I can't really go to school in my pajamas
  • Put on makeup @ 7:20

    Put on makeup @ 7:20
    because I like makeup because it's fun
  • Ate breakfast @ 7:30am

    Ate breakfast @ 7:30am
    because breakfast is the most important meal of the day
  • Drove to school @ 7:45

    Drove to school @ 7:45
    becuase we have to go to school
  • Sat down with my best friend and talked @ 8:00am

    Sat down with my best friend and talked @ 8:00am
    because we alway shave the best conversations and there was nothing better to do