Researching my preliminary task
My research started by looking at school magazine covers I evaluated 5 of them, looking at examples students had created and what ones were good and what ones were bad. To then understand what I should do to create a succesful magazine. -
Period: to
What have I learnt since the preliminary task?
Designing and Photoshoot
This was the first for making a magazine, this was a school magazine where I had to use all the elements found in the other school magazines I had evaluated. I selected a layout and and found a location for my photoshoot and then put my magazine together. -
To make my magazine look more professional I cropped my image using photoshop to then put it on a background suitabl for the colour scheme of my school magazine. -
Putting my Magazine together I used a very traditional basic magazine layout, with side bars, pictures, title, date and Price -
Research into other music magazine
By this I was able to clearly compare music magazines against eachother, showing how much they cost too how recently they are distributed. It helped me look into a gap into the market. -
Front cover examples
Looking through lots of kerrang magazine, I found a picture with a nice facial expression and colour theme for my magazine, I went on to use this picture when taking my own front cover picture -
Rate Card analysis
By looking at other magazines rate cards I could see how their distribution was, how often the magazines are published . This gave me a look into what magazines are successful and whether my magzine should be published weekly ectr -
Market Research
I made a market research too see how often people of my target audiance scene would buy a music magazine and what magazines did they like. I post it on my facebook who of which I have friends in my magazines scene. -
Target Audience research
Doing my Target market research really helped me understand the reasons why people buy music magazines and why they dont. It gave me timescales of how frequently people buy and read music magazines and what people liked from buying them. -
Kerrang Analysis
Analysing Kerrang I was able to see what features and small things they had incorperated into the magazine to make itlook professional and would make people buy it. The more I looked into professional magazines the better my idea of how I could make mine just as good. -
Contents And Double Page
I started to take more of a look into the double page spreads and the contents page as pre this I had just been looking at front cover layouts and what others thought of this. By doing this taks it progressed me to understanding what features are needed for successful double and contents pages. -
Market research
By asking by friends who read music magazines what they liked from a line up of magazines I had selected helped me develop my skills of spotting what works well in magazines and how I can incorperate it to my own. It also gave me others prospective on magazines aswell as my own, giving me a wider feel of what people like in magazines. -
Planning Contents Page
Planning the construction help make me have a feel of what I wanted my magazine to look like, whilst I created this I found magazines published by Kerang and Metal Hammer I could take to use as inspiration.I also did this for my contents page and my double page spread -
Front Cover Representation
I decided to compare magazines that were around what I had in mind for my magazines genre, looking at how one looks better than another and how they create that. It then gave me ideas of how I could put all I like from these magazines into my own -
Flat Plan
When I first started the task of creating a music magazine I really didnt understand how many pages there really were that needed to be thought of before it would be published and before I had created my contents page I wanted to make sure I knew what I was filling the pages with. I then went on to change and tweak what was in it but I mainly wanted an idea of the kind of articles and how frequent adverts would be needed. -
Photo shoot Ideas
From looking at other magazines photoshoots there werent many with the dark colour tones and the poseing and positiioning that fitted my metalcore genre, I decided to look at bands who were close to the band I was doing for my magazine so I knew how I wanted them for my photoshoot, this then progressed my knowledge of what a successful shoot would look like and in the hope I could recreate one. -
Getting to know the band
From reading magazines like kerrang, they talk to the band as if they had a close relationship. therefore I thought to interview them personally to give me a feel what the band are like as people aswell as their music so that I could create a double page spread that represents them clearly. And show them off for who they are to make readers also get a personal feel with them. -
Logo Creating
For this I knew creating a good logo is important for my magazine so I spent time choosing out fonts and editing them, I knew I wanted a font that was very messy but one that also relates to music. I then Found this "Pulse Sans" and placed in white gave it the ghostly look I wanted -
Plan Of Photoshoot
Looking at professional magazines, I realised the photosoots where planned out extremely carefully, I realised this after the preliminary school magazine pictures I took, the pictures didnt look right and the lighting didnt fit what I had planned it to. Therefore I made a selection of these grids so I knew what angles I wanted and how the lighting should go to fit my magazines feel. -
Poster creation
Looking at other magazines throughout my research and planning I had always seen posters of band members and Live performances. I decided to be different to stand my magazine out I created my own band embelems as posters. Each week I can make a different one and readers can collect them. -
Start of construction
I started the backgrounds on all of my pages. Making each have a cold emotional feel to it. From creating my school magazines I realised how plain my images were and how they really wouldnt fit my target audience, I spent a lot of time editting this to make it look how I wanted it. -
My Rate card
Starting off I had a rough Idea what my target audience were like but didnt quite think I would have to incorperate the feel of their daily life into my magazine. By creating a rate card I was able to display all that they liked, what they wear to what they eat, by getting data I found out that some dont earn money via a job, this helped me understand my magazines pricing and how I could get it into teenage culture. -
Front cover construction
During the preliminary and research and planning, I found magazines I liked the colour theme of, these magazines were done by kerrang, I wanted to add my own lighting detail into my image so I editted a transitionbs of colours just to make my magazine have more dimention to it than justa plain black colour which doesnt fit my audiance scene. -
First Photo shot
My first photoshoot didnt go to plan as such as I really didnt have the correct surrounding light, nor could I find a clean background to work with. I also had very limited time as the shoot was 11pm at night. I did however find an image went on to be my front cover image but from all the failure photos I learnt to check my surroundings before commiting to a shoot. -
2nd Photo Shoot
My second Photo shoot was very successful, learning from the last one that lighting and the background it key for a successful image, i set up a green screen and got over head lighting. This then left me with great images that I then used as posters. -
3rd Photo shoot
My 3rd photo shoot was very successful. I looked up how to take good fast moving images. From looking at magazines at the beguining I found that there were very dynamic, powerful images of bands live which then made me want to make my magazine have a life to it like the pictures energey was caught in the photo. -
4th Photo shoot
My 4th Photo shoot I wanted to get images for wherever I felt they would work, little box fillers, extra features ectr. The image I have here I used for a poster. This was one of my more succesful shoots -
Goodnight Harvey image
(Lost final image so this is unfinsihed one) Looking at other magazines,I found the detailing was what stood out to me as making it look like amazing, therefore I spent time creating small things to make my magazine look great. -
Construction Of Front Cover
Construction of my contents page happend late as I wanted to make sure I have everything I needed such as images and fonts all up toegether as I didnt want to do another photoshoot halfway through construction. -
Picture Editting
Editting my pictures, I spent time doing small things that make the pictures look very dynamic as I realised from my research that mysterious but dark images are loved by my target audience, the red keeps the livelyness feel of this image -
Final Front Cover
By the 15th of December I had completely finshed my Magazine front cover, I had learnt a lot since my preliminary task especially about my magazines Audience and I can make a magazine that they will want to read and I can see myown development throughout the creation of the front cover. I feel my front cover has exceeded all I thought I could make at the start of the preliminary down to all the development I have taken in from looking at other magazines and learning about my target audience -
Construction of Double page spread
My double page spread went along as planned, I made sure all my images were positioned how I wanted them which I planned relating to research on other magazines. -
Contents Page scrapped
I started off following a kerrangs contents page layout but then decided by looking back at my research, it wasnt really the feel I was going for. The contents page was very brick layed images and the colours looked wrong together and my small images didnt fit the display for articles. So therefore I changed it -
Finshed Contents Page
I was very pleased with my contents page, the resuts came from careful time studying other magazines in the research and planning, using others oppinions to give comments on contents pages they like and knowing my target audience. -
Finished Double Page Spread
I have learnt a lot from my premliminary too my double page spread and I have created a magazine that furfills all I had planned it to be