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What I did this weekend?

By Kaysy
  • Work

    On Saturday the 20th of September, I went to work at The Reject Shop. During this shift I worked stock!
  • Saturday Night Antics

    Saturday Night Antics
    On Saturday night, we had some friends visit. We had dinner together and then we went to Macca's for dessert. We ate our dessert at Village Fair. After we finished, we drove around town for a while.
  • Period: to

    My Weekend

    This a timeline describing what I did this weekend!
  • Sunday

    Sunday is usually shopping day, so when I woke up I wrote a shopping list and went shopping. I was pretty excited because i was buying the ingredients to make a cake for my friends birthday on Monday.
  • Making a cake

    Making a cake
    I spent the afternoon creating a masterpeice. Because my friend is allergic to pretty much the whole world, I made her a watermelon 'cake' to enjoy.