What Happened When Timeline

  • 2000 BCE

    Aksumite Polytheism-

    This is when Aksumite Polytheism may have started. There has been evidence found of Semitic speaking presences in Ethiopia and Eritrea around this time.
  • 1800 BCE

    Judaism-Abraham moves to Canaan

    Around 1800, Abraham along with his family and some friends moved to Canaan. In the Book of Genesis, God had told Abraham that he is to move to Canaan along with his family, friends, and other people.
  • 1300 BCE

    Judaism-The Exodus

    The Exodus was the event in which Israelites fled Egypt. They were led by Moses. He moved the Israelites out of Egypt because he was told to by God.
  • 1020 BCE

    Judaism-The First Three Kings

    Three kings were able to unite the Israelites. These three kings were Saul, David, and Solomon. This period was when Israel was at its greatest power and independence, this only lasted for about 100 years.
  • 900 BCE


    During this time, the gods and goddess of the Greco-Roman culture were starting to be organized into the pantheon in Ancient Greek. The pantheon is a "collection of deities".
  • 400 BCE


    The 4th Century B.C. was when the Celts religion had the most influence. They also expanded greatly territory wise. They expanded all across Europe and into the Asia Minor.
  • 356 BCE

    Greco-Roman-Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War involved most Greeks. This war ended Athens Golden Age. Then a king attacked the city-states. This only made things worse. Alexander the Great made the conquest on Greece. This eventually brought the end to Greco-Roman as it was replaced with Christianity.
  • 70 BCE

    Greco-Roman-Written Stories

    From 70-19 B.C.E writers started to write poems. These poems were mixed with stories of the Greco-Roman mythology and gods. They were adapting the greek myths that were already in place and taught. These were written by Virgil and Ovid.
  • 58 BCE

    Celts-Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar had a conquest of Gaul. This conquest Brough about the end of the Celts independence in Europe.
  • 51 BCE


    Poseidonius (c. 135–c. 51 BC) and after was when written sources about the Celts religion started to pop up. These were observations about the Celts whether personal or just observed.
  • 6 BCE

    Christianity-The Birth of Jesus

    This is when Jesus is believed to have been born. Jesus was born in Judea, specifically Bethlehem.
  • 29


    In AD 29, Jesus went to Jerusalem, where he was greeted by the Jews as the Messiah. This led to the governor of Rome accusing Jesus of defying or or resisting the Roman authority. Jesus was then sentenced by the governor to be crucified. Three days after his death, his body was not there, he was seen by his followers, alive again.
  • 312


    Constantine prayed for divine help on the day before the Milvian Bridge Battle. He saw a cross. Then he told his artisans to put the cross, the symbol of christianity, on shields of all his soldiers. They won the battle. Constantine owed his success in the battle to God.
  • 324

    Aksumite Polytheism-Frumentius

    King Ezana was converted by Frumentius, his slave teacher. Frumentius was the founder of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, he converted the king from Aksumite Polytheism. He baptized the King.
  • 340

    Aksumite Polytheism-Conversion

    During this time King Ezana had declared that Aksum would now be a Christian state. He converted the Aksumites from Polytheism to Christianity.
  • 570


    Around 570, Muhammad was born in Mecca. At 6, he was an orphan.
  • 613

    Islam-Muhammad Preaching

    In Mecca, Muhammad began to preach. His preachings were controversial. Many people believed Mecca would lose its place as a center for pilgrimage since Muhammad preached that there was one god.
  • 630

    Islam-Marching out of Mecca

    Muhammad and his followers decided to march to the outsides of Mecca. He had about 10,000 followers. By surprise, Meccas leaders surrendered to Muhammad. Muhammad destroyed idols that were in the Ka'aba. Its roof was then used to make the call of prayer. Many people from Mecca would then convert to Islam