What happened since the pandemic started

  • start of pandemic and quarantine

    start of pandemic and quarantine
    I start the quarantine something that would keep us locked at home for a long time, here i start someting that would change our lives
  • Online classes

    Online classes
    We started to have classes online since the pandemic is there and we couldn´t leave home
  • My boyfriend´s birthday

    My boyfriend´s birthday
    I had already started the quarantine it was my boyfriend´s birthday and i prepared him a cake i gave him a surprice he was very happy
  • My room caught fire

    My room caught fire
    At dawn we were already asleep when my room caught fire i was sad for days without being able to see my sisters so they could comfort me
  • A new hobby

    A new hobby
    I had already heard about Asian dramas i was determined to see theem but i did not have time after the pandemic i already had time and i began to see them
  • My room was remodeled

    My room was remodeled
    After my room caught fire, we remodeled my room, changed the buerned things and put the new furniture
  • Period: to

    New language

    I was so interested in korean culture that i decided to learn a new language i allready knew it was difficult but it was being too difficult
  • An important project

    An important project
    I was doing an important project for the module class it was fun and i was making my imagination fly
  • Fourth semester closes

    Arter turning in all the activities on time, the fourth semester closed my grades were good
  • Period: to

    Series days

    After the holidays started i had a lot of free time so i watched non-stop series one after another for many days
  • Deep cleaning in my hause

    Deep cleaning in my hause
    We were bored and with nothing to donand we decided to give my house a deep cleaning, we were satisfied with the result
  • Relapse to anxiety attacks

    Relapse to anxiety attacks
    After a long time i had a relapse in my anxiety problems, my mother was there to support me
  • My boyfriend visits me after a long time

    My boyfriend visits me after a long time
    I missed my boyfriend and after a long time he visited me i was happy
  • Period: to

    My sister Michel comes to visit

    She visited us after a while without seeing us, she stayed a few days and then left
  • Visit my sister Elena out of state

    Visit my sister Elena out of state
    I visited my sister who lives out of the state i stayed with her for a few days
  • Period: to

    Appeald of lost materials

    I had failed two subjects and i was able to make it up before returning to class
  • Back to classes online

    After a long vacation we go back to classes
  • My sister Michel came to visit and invited me to her home out of state

    My sister Michel came to visit and invited me to her home out of state
    My sister was not having a good time and she invited me to her house, i accepted but since the clsses had already started i prepared my things to take the classes at her house
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    On my birthday my sister took me to an elegant restaurant, the food was delicious
  • Come back to my house

    Come back to my house
    Days had passed since i left home and it was time to go back it made me sad to leave my sister but i wanted to see my parents 4
  • My little sister´s birthday

    My little sister´s birthday
    After i returned my sister had her birthday and we clebrated her birthday, she was happy