Hellenistic greece h

WHAP Classic Era Timeline

By afpihl
  • 1200 BCE


  • Period: 1200 BCE to 100 BCE


    As the first complex society of the Americas, they lived on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. They are called Olmec (meaning “rubber people”) because of the rubber trees that grew around them. Their discoveries influenced all of the complex societies of Mesoamerica until the arrival of the European peoples. The Olmec connect to the CCOT of expansion because they were the first advanced society in Mesoamerica, and they had migrated from across the world creating a big, strong empire.
  • 1000 BCE


  • Period: 1000 BCE to 250


    The Maya occupied today's region of southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. They had a large class of priests who maintained an elaborate calendar and transmitted knowledge of writing, astronomy, and mathematics. They relate to the CCOT of expansion because they were the most advanced society in Mesoamerica at that time, so they expanded through much of Central America, becoming a prominent civilization.
  • Period: 814 BCE to 146 BCE


    The Carthaginians were located near modern day Tunis and were originally part of a Phoenician colony. From their wealth by commerce, they became the dominant political power in Western Africa. The Carthaginians clashed with the Romans many times, where they fought three devastating conflicts known as the Punic Wars. This civilization connects to CCOT because they were a dominant civilization and were able to hold off Rome and control trade throughout the Mediterranean.
  • 753 BCE


    Rome was an aristocratic society with a powerful senate. They were originally more spread out, but over time they received threats from neighbors and consolidated into central Italy. There was conflict between Mediterranean societies, but that would results in expansion, which brought wealth and power. The Romans had the CCOT of expansion and this showed when they conquered many lands and grew as a larger society.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 323


    Greece was made up of city states, called poleis, that were located in the Mediterranean basin. Democracy was first established in Athens and some aspects of the culture were philosophers, multiple gods, and a patriarchy with slaves. The CCOT of expansion is shown in Greece by their establishment of colonies in places such as Italy and Anatolia, their continued conflict with Persia, their involvement with maritime trade, and the growth they gained as a larger, prominent society in the world.
  • Period: 429 BCE to 572


    The Vandals were a Germanic tribe who migrated into North Africa. They had big houses and estates that they built among the Romans cities they defeated. They went against and helped to cause defeat of the Roman Empire. The Vandals connect to CCOT because they expanded throughout Roman territory and were one of the few civilizations that was able to work with and control Rome until their defeat.
  • Period: 320 BCE to 232

    Mauryan Dynasty

    The Mauryans had a central administration and regions of India integrated. There was a good tax system, but the society declined because of a poor economy. The Mauryans expanded by taking parts of India into control and taking control of the government.
  • Period: 247 BCE to 224

    Parthians (Persia)

    The Parthians were a powerful empire in Iran that spread to Mesopotamia, yet they kept the simple customs of the nomads in their regions. They were organized by federations of leaders who met in councils to make decisions jointly. The Parthians involved the CCOT of expansion by having skilled warriors and strong forces by letting their horses get stronger during the winter. These aided their expansion efforts.
  • Period: 221 BCE to 207 BCE


    The Qin were a centralized government that used the silk roads, created a standardized script, and built roads for communication. They were involved with expansion with their strong military, which used horses, iron metallurgy, and tried to defend and attack all of China.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    Han Dynasty

    The Han in China were very successful and had administrative districts, which later led to centralization. An important part of their society was the Confucian education system, along with other achievements, such as their establishment of trade routes and foreign policy. The Han were involved with expansion by their creation of trade routes to the Mediterranean, construction of roads and canals in China, and their vigorous foreign policy.
  • Period: 1 CE to 300


    The Kushans arose from a group of nomads who attacked Bactria and ended the Indo-Greek kingdom. Their most prominent emperor was Kanishka. The Kushans made trade easier over Asia and utilized the silk roads network. The Kushans related to expansion by attempting to grow, but it didn't always work out, and they had to face other ambitious kings who were trying to expand their realms.
  • Period: 320 to 550

    Gupta Dynasty

    The Gupta had lots of wealth accumulated in their area and formed alliances with wealthy families in order to build the empire. They had a small government and declined because of the White Huns. They relate to the CCOT of expansion because they conquered many regions throughout India and their leaders worked hard to create an empire.