whale timeline

  • The day I meet my dad for the first time.

    So the mature dads of the pod would go out and get food for the pod. When they were on their way back I could see my mom calling to him. I had never seen my dad before but he was very large in size and he imagined I would be very smaller than what I am.
  • Lonely Cruise.

    on my lonely cruise i was awoken by a disturbing smell. It was from a harbor I went to that harbor and they had a large ship with many eyes. I saw they were whale hunters. I followed them out to deeper waters and they killed a whale and brought it back to the harbor to be processed.
  • the day I met a new pod.

    They were very welcoming to me. We ate all that day then we fell asleep after we ate. When I woke up I could feel the water vibrate off my body and then I knew it was a large animal. it was a shark and it was coming straight for me then out of the blue a whale came up and hit the whale and knocked it out. The whale was my dad. Then when I could here the pods signal to call me I woke up and then I saw it was just a dream.
  • The migration to warm waters.

    Was swimming by myself to warmer. mainly feeding on krill. Then I was so tired that night that I went to sleep for a longer time then I wanted to and the pod I swam with for few days caught up to me and I swam with them for a few days.Until we reached the warm waters of Hawaii.
  • now it was time to travel back to the warm waters where I was born.

    I had to find a pod to swim with back. The pod I swam with welcomed me to there pod but I couldn't stay with them because they were going to travel all the way down to Mexico and I don't travel there.
  • We found our parents pod

    Lewte and i were playing around a piece of ice when we heard whale calls we went straight towards them and we found our parents pod.
  • I day I found Lewte in a closed lagoon

    When I found her she was trapped by a metal net. A fin whale and I went to the bottom of the net and started hitting it until it came loose and all of the animals were free. the men chase us in their boat so we had to swim all the way down to the bottom of the ocean and then that was where we parted and Lewte and I decided we were going to be together forever.