WH12 first assignment timeline

  • Communist Manifesto published

    Communist Manifesto published
    In 1847 the communist manifesto was written and published.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday marks the beginning of the violent portion of the first Russian revolution.
  • Period: to

    World War I

    Russia got involved in World War I, but it proved how unequipped they were to fight. People started to protest and it eventually turned into a revolution.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    Public protests started emerging because of poverty and food shortages, eventually ending in the abolishment of monarchy.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The Bolsheviks take control of the government, pull out of WW1, and start abolishing private property.
  • Tsar Nicholas II is executed

    Tsar Nicholas II is executed
    The Bolsheviks executed Tsar Nicholas II and his family.
  • Soviet Union is created

    Soviet Union is created
    Russia was officially named USSR, a communist union.
  • Stalin is Party Leader

    Stalin is Party Leader
    In january of 1924, Lenin dies and Stalin emerges as party leader.