2013 03 01 07.42.39

WGA Histomap

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    First commencement exercise at Franklin High School which would be renamed West High School in later years. Class Motto: "To the brave and faithful, nothing is difficult"
  • Controversy in 1891- To Dance or Not to Dance

    Controversy in 1891- To Dance or Not to Dance
    In 1891 there was still controversy at West High. During this year it was about dancing. Young ladies "put their heads together to talk over the matter with sobs and exclamation" (Vervalin 1985, p. 16). The verdict? To dance- a dance was held with those against the idea foregoing the pleasure.
  • Rebellion at West High

    Rebellion at West High
    A senior class prank was the object of some controversy in May of 1981 when they rebelled against what they fel to be childish treatment. It was stated that "the teaches think that the boys and girls are inclined to be too fresh, while the young ladies and gentlemen are convinece that the wicked teachers are overbearing and fond of displaying their authority unnecessarily" (Vervalin 1985 p. 17). Their revolt? Skipping class.
  • Old Rivalry

    Old Rivalry
    East vs. West has always been a factor in Denver. When both schools occupied the same league, starting in 1894 there has been a bitter rivalry between the East Angels and West Cowboys. From 1894-1902 there was a ritor after every game.
  • The Neighborhood- 1900-1910

    The Neighborhood- 1900-1910
    The neighborhood was well established in the early 1900s. West denver backyards were described as having "dogs, rabbit runs, chicken coops, and lilacs blooming" (Vervalin 1995, p. 45).
  • Box Score 1900-1910

    Box Score 1900-1910
    School activities in the early 20th century included madolin and guitar club, a Fraternity, and many other 'classical' clubs and events.
  • Work Hard, Play Hard

    Work Hard, Play Hard
    A popular hip hop lyric of 2012 is "Work Hard, Play Hard". This was much the same at the West Campus one hundred years ago. The 1911 yearbook states that "We thoroughly believed in the old maxim, "Work while you work and paly while you play". So as far as the soical world is concerned we were triumphs." (Vervalin 1995, p. 57).
  • Box Score 1910-1920

    Box Score 1910-1920
    Between 1910 and 1920, activities and organizations were mostly focused around theater, debate, and muscial pursuits.
  • Box Score

    Box Score
    Activities and Organizations grew as the school population grew throughout the 20's. There was a greater variety activities included the theater, music, dancing and classical pursuits of the earlier decades but adding booster clubs, sporting clubs, and more industrial arts.
  • Farewell to Old West

    Farewell to Old West
    The high school was moved in 1926 to its current location on Elati and 11th. This was a time of uplift and sadness and students and teachers alike tried to embrace this dramatic change.
  • A Change Can Be Good

    A Change Can Be Good
    Classical tradition around theater, music, and recitation of poetry were common during the 1930s. A particular club, given high praise in 1930's school yearbook was abondoned the next year, proving that nothing is permanent.
  • Box Score

    Box Score
    Sixty-two clubs continued throughout the 30's despite the war.
  • Out Late Dancing

    Out Late Dancing
    During the 1930's and 40's West High students enjoyed nightlife around ballroom dancing, resulting in "blurry-eyed students at the next morning's classes" (Vervalin 1995, p. 103).
  • To College!

    To College!
    Jobs were scarce in 1935, and as such many West students went to college to pursue careers as doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs, stenographers, and nurses.
  • 1941- A Climate Not Unlike that of Today

    1941- A Climate Not Unlike that of Today
    "As the class of '41 prepares to take its plac ein the life of today, it faces a complex world... a background of unemployment, political dispute, industrial strife, national defense, war, and social disorder. In this difficult period, the youth of '41 feels within itself much perplexity and bewilderment, but it goes forward with obld defiance of all adversity, a sturdy courage to face real problems, and an eranest willingness to help in their solution" (Vervalin, 1995 p.132).
  • Influx of Spanish

    Influx of Spanish
    "The matter of segregation was never brought up in print at West High... Until the mid-1950s, WEst continued to be an ANglo Saxon, mostly Protestant student body. However, by 1955, there were 37 Spanish-speaking graduating seniors" (Vervalin 1995, p. 151).
  • Technology Changes Bring Work

    Technology Changes Bring Work
    Students reflected on the advancement of technology over the past 50 years and speak to the number of jobs that are brought about by these changes. It was stated in the yearbook that "Opportunities Unlimited for Graduates of 1958" (Vervalin 1995, p. 167).
  • Box Score

    Activities and events during the 1960s began to look different. There was a bigger focus on career-oriented clubs as well as more sporting clubs representing women's athletics.
  • City Growth Brings Change

    City Growth Brings Change
    "Rapid growth of the city's high school population brought about for new high schools-- Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy. The bitter rivalry with EAst, South , north and Central Manual was diminished. West was suddenly a small fish in a much bigger metropolitan pond" (Vervalin 1995, p. 173). Spanish surnamed students also began to arrive in greater numbers. By 1966, fify-two Spanish-named student pictures appeared in te yearbook.
  • Desegregation

    The 1970s were a difficult era for Denver education. West, as well as all other Denver-area high schools were part of busing to bring about desegregation of Denver Public Schools.
  • Athletics Decline

    Athletics Decline
    Athletics continued a trend from the 60s and provided few athletic championships. "Spectators at sporting events decreased at times to mere handfuls" (Vervalin 1995, p. 208). Activities continued to fluctuate rapidly from year to year, and even the school newspaper's existence ebbed and flowed throughout this era.
  • Box Score

    Box Score
    Activities continued during the 1980's although the Rodeo and other traditions did still falter throughout this era.
  • DCIS Comes to Campus

    Denver Center for International Studies is created as a magnet school on the Denver West campus. This creates a mini-cosmos within the school that is operating at a higher academic and professional level than the rest of the building.
  • 2000's Athletic Success

    Cross Country championships were commonplace in the early 21st Century.
  • DCIS Moves out of West Building

    DCIS Moves to 6th Avenue campus, taking most of West's high-achieving students and best staff members with it.
  • Manny Martinez Middle School Opens

  • Manny Martinez Closes

    Manny Martinez middle school closes after failing to produce results academically.
  • West Generation Academy Opens

    West Generation Academy Opens