Original 13 Colonies
The U.S gained control of the 13 colonies by the Revolutionary war. The Declaration of Indepence was a statement of the second continental congress that defined the colonist rights, outlining their complaints and declared Independence. Their purpose was to protect their rights.The American Revoloution lasted 9 years. 1774-1783. Theis war weakened the U.S economy. -
Norwest Territory
We obtained this land with the Northwest ordinance/ Northwest Territory. 5 states were created with this territory, The were Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. For a territory to become a state you need to have a population of 60,000, Had to hove your own Constitution, Had to have a Bill of Rights, Public education, no slavery, and had to ask permission to join the union as a state. -
Louisiana Purchase
The United States purchased Louisiana. We bought it from France. We bought it from a guy name Napoleon. The Mississippi River and the city of New Orleans was importanat to the U.S economy because it offered room for the states to expand. This also helped with trade and giving the U.S money. President Jefferson is credited with this purchase. The U.S spent $15 million dollars purchasing this land. This edition expanded "the empire of liberty." Doubled the size of the U.S. -
Adams Onis Treaty
Southerners were angered raids on U.S towns made by Seminole Indians from Florida. The Seminoles were aiding slaves. President Monroe sent troops under the command of General Andrew Jackson to secure the border. This person invaded Florida. This act was unconstitutional because he took over most of Spain's important military post sand over threw the government. He also took thses acts against Spain without getting direct orders from President Monroe. -
Adams Onis Treaty
Spain gave up east Florida. The U.S gave up west Florida and decided to give up Texas. Spain gained Texas and the U.S gained east Florida. They agreed upon the "Monroe Doctrine" stated that no one can settle in North or South America. -
Texas Annexation
Annex means to take control of something. Americnas moved to Texas because of the empresarios and because of Stephen. They also came to Texas illegally and felt little layalty to Mexico. The settlers were promised free land, could bring slaves, and could practice any religion they wanted to. -
Texas Annexation
When the Southerners moved to Texas Mexico's government started making things illegal/ started taking away things they promised the settlers. They didn't allow people to bring in anymore slaves, they had to become Catholic, they had to follow Mexican laws, and they had to become Mexican citizens. When texas tried to earn its Independence and tried to become a republic Houston's soliders had to retreat east, within 2 weeks they had written a constitution similar to the U.S. -
Texas Annexation
A republic means the people ruled.Texas had many proablmes with its economy and Mexico. These problems were they had a small population, slowly relied on agriculture, and Mexico refused to honor them as their own country.The U.s allowed Texas to become a state because if Texas became a Union state then there would be more slave states then free states. So if that happened then they could make slavery legal and slavery could expand west throughout the U.S. -
Oregon Territory
Great Britian originally had contol of the Oregon Territory. The U.S was trying to avoid war with Great Britianso they signed the treaty with Britian. The Adams Onis Treaty. Oregon, Washington, Idaho, also parts of Wyoming and Montana wee created with the Oregon Territory. -
Mexican Cession
The main issue the U.S and Mexico argued over was that the Mexican government contined to reject the Texas and the U.s claim that the Rio Grande marked the Southern border of Texas, arguing that the real Southern border lay along the the Nueces River farther north. The traty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the mexican-American war. During the Mexican Cession California, Nevada, Utah, parts of New Mexico and Colorado, and Wyoming. This increased the size of the U.S by 25%. -
Gadsden Purchase
The U.S agreed to purchase the land under the gadsden purchase beacuse the continental boundaries of the U.S were finally fixed. When doing this they were trying to avoid war. The U.S paid 10 million dollars to gain land. The oresent day sates of New Mexico and Arizona were created. The continental boundaries were finally fixed and the U.S had expanded completing Manifest Destiny.