Increasing the number of people to move to a certain area or land. Back when Manifest Destiny was huge it was the government trying to urbanize the west. -
Populism &Progressivism
People Who followed Progressivism were rich elite people. People Who supported Populism were lower class and poor.
populism is in support of a change in the economy,While Progressivism is in support of a change on politics. -
Indian Removal
Caused conflict with indians.Authorized the president to grant land to the west that was unsettled in exchange for indian lands with existing borders. Many tribes disagreed some went away peacefully. -
Policy favoring Native Americans as opposed to immigrants. -
Manifest Destiny
The belief that expanding was inevitable. Not only did the government want you to go west but god did too. It was The United States destiny. -
Big boom of industry. Companies and factories popping up everywhere. The development of a country or city with companies -
Susan B. Anthony
Womans rights activist. Played pivotal role in womens suffrage.
In 1856 became New York state agent for american ant-slavery association. -
Homestead Act
Act promoting western expansion. Gave 160 acres of land to people who migrated west and improved land for just 10 dollars.If said people lived there for 5 years it was theirs. -
The Gilded Age
Time between the civil war and world war 1 where U.S. Population grew quickly.People delt with money horribly.Rich people lived lavish. -
Civil Service Reform
Said that federal government should be established by merit and not political affiliation. So people who have done more would get elected instead of people that were just politically involved. -
Eugene V. Debbs
American union leader and founding member of the industrial workers of the world. Five time candidate for the socialist party to run for president. -
Haymarket Riot
Terrible situation.Bombing at a labor demonstration. The riot was the aftermath of the bombing. -
Dawes Act
Allowed the president to survey the west. Meaning he would seend people to inspect the land of indian reservations and if it was in bad condition they remained there. If the land was nice he gave the indians a choice to act like white people and stray away from their traditions or leave. -
Jane Addams
Known as the mother of social work. Was a pioneer american settlement activist. Co founded an early settlement house in Chicago known as the hull house. -
Andrew Carnegie
One of the wealthiest americans of all time. Led the expansion of the american steel industry. He gave away 350 million dollars to charities. -
Political Machines
Almost like a captain to a boat. A political group that has a leader that controls everything.Similar to the leader of a country if you think about it. -
Third Party Politics
Parties other than Democratic or Republican. Parties such as Libertarians. Also the business within these parties all go into third party politics. -
William Jennings Bryan
American orator from nebraska. Strong in politics.
Nominated for president by the democratic party 3 times. Gave Cross of gold speech. -
Klondike Gold Rush
Huge migration of miners. Migration of miners to the Klondike region of the Yukon river in Canada An estimated 100,000 miners migrated. -
Initiative & Referendum
Allows people of many states to put new legislation on a popular ballot. -
Theodore Roosevelt
25th vice president of the united states. Also served as the 33rd governor of New York. 26th president of the united states. -
Pure Food and Drug act
Keeps the companies from killing us. Act that makes sure that companies aren't putting any poisonous things in our products. For example rat poison in chips. -
One who puts into and publishes scandal. -
Ida B. Wells
Amazing journalist and person. African american journalist and civil rights activist.In the 1890s she documented lynching in america. One of the Founders of NAACP. -
Dollar Diplomacy
Form of foreign policy to further its aims in Latin america by guaranteeing loans from other countries. -
16th Amendment
Government has the right to collect taxes. -
17th Amendment
Each state can have representatives but must be put through qualifications and and is allowed one vote representing the state. -
Federal Reserve Act
Intended to make a form of economic stability. Introduced Central Bank. -
18th Amendment
Banned any type of alcohol. Including the selling or shipping or consumption of liquor. -
19th Amendment
Everyone can vote. Doesn't matter if you're black,blue or purple. Allows woman to vote for the first time in history. -
The right to vote in a political race. There has been many suffrage movements.Most famous is the woman's suffrage movement. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Scandal Under president Harding. Involving a former united states oil reserve in Wyoming secretly leased a private oil company. -
Clarence Darrow
American lawyer. Leading member of the American civil liberties union. Defended on a major historical case in 1925. -
Upton Sinclair
Well known writer. The man wrote nearly one hundred books.And in 1943 he won the pulitzer prize for fiction.