Westward expansion

  • Louisiana Purachase

    Louisiana Purachase
    The Louisiana Purchase is made. This nearly doubles the U.S. at the time. The U.S. bought this land from France for 15 million dollars.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark's expedition west with their team, The Corps of Discovery. They discover many new specimens and land under Jefferson's request.
  • Beginnig of War of 1812

    This war makes America truly free of Britain.
  • End of War of 1812

    The Treaty of Ghent is signed which officially ends war.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise was passed regarding Missouri being a free or slvae state and future free and slave states.
  • Maine

    Maine is admitted into the union as a free states.
  • Missouri

    Missouri is admitted into the union as a a slave state.
  • The Alamo

    200 Texans barricaded themselves with in the Alamo for protection of the impedeing Mexicans.
  • Texas Declares Independence

    Texas declres their independence from Mexico.
  • Oregon Trail

    Starting in the spring of 1843 many families and people begin migrating west along the Oregon Trail
  • TX is Added to Union

    Texas is added to the Union after previously being the Republic of Texas.
  • Start of Mexican-American War

    About 16 Americans dies after being attecked by Mexicans so President Polk declared war.
  • Gold is Found

    Gold is found near Sutter's Mill for the first time.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed officially ending the war with Mexico.
  • Gold Rush

    All throughout 1849 people began going to California, this was the Gold Rush.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    A smaller part of land was built in order to build the continential railroad.