Hello! I am Cillian Pedraig, and I am going to America for the new land with my family. Well going through immigration was tough because of my son who got very sick on the way over so we had to wait an entire month in quarantine until he got better. -
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Immigration and Westward Expension
Getting To America
When we finally left Ellis Island, it was so hard to find a job. Unfortunately, many people thought that the Irish were just drunks who never did anything for work. I finally got a job working at a chicken factory. The pay was resonable but I wish it was better because I want to move West with my family and get land to farm on. -
I lost my job because I told my boss I deserved a raise. My boss told me that I would not get a raise because I was an Irishman. When I told my boss what I thought of his comment, he fired me. When I got home, I saw that my wife had left me a note which stated that my family had left me. They went back to Ireland because of how bad things were going on. Since I couldn't pay my landlord, he kicked me out of the room I was staying in. -
Working on the Railroad
I got this job when I helped the man in charge of the train. I showed him where to go, and he asked if i wanted a job. I told him I really needed it, so he gave me it. Well the pay is good, and I have some where to sleep att night. The one thing I don't like is how it reminds me of the boat I rode here from Ireland. I gave up looking for my family when I got the job, and I decided that it was time to move on The train is really damp and cold at night but still things are looking up for me. -
Well I got tired of working on the railroad, so I decided to leave. I thanked the manager and told him I could never have gotten here without him. I followed a line of carriges carrying who were hoping to get land. I went to a horse salesman and bought a horse who looked promising. I took my horse and lined up with the others. The people who were running the event told us that we had to all line up. A shot was fired, and we all took off. -
Land Part 2
Once we got started, it was crazy. People were yelling and then there were wagons that were falling apart. My horse and I kept going and going. I saw a really nice piece of land. I claimed the land as mine. The land looked perfect.There is a stream running throuth the land and grass up to my waist. The land is perfect. -
I finally got the land that I dreamed of. I was thinking about writing to my family but I decided not to. The land isn't perfect becasue there are hills around so it is hard to plow the land. The winters are the worst because the stream that runs through the land overflows and then freezes. The summers are so hot that it will kill some of my crops. I really just take one season at a time. This is my story in America. - Cillian Padraig