Westward Expansion

  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    The louisiana territory was bought by the united states in 1803. this land was more than 800,000 miles stretching from the Mississippi River, to the rocky mountians.
  • When the eire canal opend

    When the eire canal opend
    The eire canl opens on October 26th, in 1825.

    The eire canls was built to be used for a faster way of transportation. instead of cutting through the mountins, and also used for shipping some goods.
  • the alamo

    the alamo
    the alamo is a Spanish mission built in 1718, and in 1836 it the spanish leader Antonio Lopez de Santa started a war for independence.
  • Indian removel act

    Indian removel act
    the indian removal act was put into play by president andrew jackson on the 28th of May 1830. this act aloud the president to grant unseteled land in Mississippi. this made over 4,000 cherokeis have to move under law of the government.
  • texas gaining independence

    texas gaining independence
    the spanish general led his army into a surprize attack from the texans the general serendered and texas gained there independace.
  • Trail Of Tears

    Trail Of Tears
    in 1838 to 1839 as a part of president jackson indian removal policy. 15000 cherokies were forced out of there homes and made migrate into the place thats now present day oklahoma. and 4000 out of the 15000 died on the journey.
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    Oregon trail being traveld

    The oregon trail was a treterous journey of 2000 miles or more. it started in missouri and ended in oregon. on this trip there were many dangerous ways of dieing. you could get disease that spread quickly through a group of wagons.
  • texas annexed by the united states

    texas annexed by the united states
    president polk sighed the joint resolution and texas became our 28th state on this date
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    Mormon trail

    they started in new york and moved to ohio then they moved to missouri then illinois and last they moved to utah.
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    U.S. Mexican war

    they fought for two states california and new mexico their were a few battles and in 1848 they sighed a peace treaty and the war ended
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    california gold rush

    one of the larges migrations in history people from all over moved to california looking for instant wealth
  • mexican secession

    mexican secession
    was the land the mexican goverment let go after amercian mexican war
  • calafornia becoming a state

    calafornia becoming a state
    became to big with the gold rush and wanted to become a state so california became a non slave state and our 31st state
  • the gadison purchace

    the gadison purchace
    wast a strip of land the U.S. bought from mexico