
  • 3000 BCE


    Cuneiform is a major innovation in human history. Cuneiform is the first recorded form of writing created by the Mesopotamian. It was made in roughly 3000 BCE. as a method to keep records. This was important to Western Civilization as it was the first form of writing which is an obvious important part of our lives today. Cuneiform is the base of writing, literature, and recording information
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1500

    Western Civilization Inovations and Inventions

    I chose the innovations and inventions of cuneiform, The Code of Hammurabi, The Phoenician Alphabet, Greek Drama, Athenian Democracy, Greek Philosophy, History Recording, Christianity, Agriculture Rotation, Voyages, and Humanism. I chose these examples because they all have a strong standing impact on the world today. These have all changed some aspect of how life is or would have been and have evolved over time to concepts that we live around like Democracy or the Alphabet.
  • 1780 BCE

    The Code of Hammurabi

    The Code of Hammurabi
    The Code of Hammurabi was created in roughly 1780 BCE. during the empire of Hammurabi which lasted from 1792 through 1595 BCE. The Code of Hammurabi was the first set of written laws to ever exist. This code inspired other empires and civilizations to write down their own laws with punishments and has been an example for the entire world. The Code of Hammurabi has evolved and changed into the law systems used today.
  • 1300 BCE

    Phoenician Alphabet

    Phoenician Alphabet
    Around 1300 BCE. The world's first syllabic alphabet was created by the Phoenicians. This alphabet used symbols to signify sounds instead of symbols to signify words. It was actually invented based off of something the Canaanites had started but was uniquely their own before it quickly caught on. This alphabet is important to the way that we have evolved our writing techniques as it was the blueprint for the system that is used today.
  • 600 BCE


    The creation of drama is often overlooked when it comes to inventions. The Greeks created drama for religious festivals with the intention of honoring the Gods, mostly Dionysus. The festivals eventually evolved into scripted plays such as the Greek tragedy's and later comedies. Greek drama has made its impact by evolving into the plays, tv shows, and movies that we watch and enjoy today. Greek influence is still heavily shown in different aspects of theater like costumes.
  • 495 BCE

    Athenian Democracy

    Athenian Democracy
    The invention of Democracy is one of the most important especially considering where we live today, America. Athenian democracy first started forming after the Pelopenesian war under Cleisthenes but it was under Pericles that it truly started taking shape. This is often looked at as the world's first true democracy with the process of voting implementing itself into politics. Democracy is even now one of the most common if not the most common forms of government today.
  • 469 BCE

    Greek Philosophy

    Greek Philosophy
    In 469 BCE. philosophy began integrating itself in a major way by the Greeks. The Greeks became known for their philosophical breakthroughs and their great philosophers. The greatest philosophers of all time, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all came from Greece. These philosophers left legacies and research that is still in play today, like the Socratic method. The philosophy formed concepts of this time period continue to influence modern social and political field.
  • 430 BCE

    History Recording

    History Recording
    The Athenian writer Thucydides lived from 460-404 BCE. Thucydides was one of the first writers of true history and can often be referred to as the "father" of history writing. He wrote about the Peloponnesian War in a way that, we believe, was an accurate description of major events in the war and went in depth to state different reasons for each sides actions in the war. Thucydides history writing helped set ages of in depth recordings of major history events which help us learn still today.
  • 100


    In the first century CE. Christianity popped up with the monotheistic belief of one God. The belief of Christianity sparked problems in Rome with uprisings, battles, and overall mistreatment all around. Christianity also comes with the belief in Jesus who stands for the salvation of humanity and is often called the Christ. Christianity has had a huge impact on civilizations over the centuries. It is now the biggest religion and is widely practiced with many smaller subdivisions of Christianity.
  • 1000

    Agriculture Rotation

    Agriculture Rotation
    In 1000 CE. farmers began rotating their crops. They often rotated between three different crops. This process helped enrich soil and yield more plentiful crops. The nutritional value of the crops also increased with this process allowing for a wider variety of food. This process is a great method still used today helping to ensure a plentiful harvest. Especially in Iowa, a leading crop producer, this is an important innovation in the agriculture world.
  • 1420


    In 1420 CE the caravel was invented allowing for easier water travel and the beginning of long voyages. Around 1400 the Europeans had an urge to start exploring and this boat made it possible for them to do so, bringing the Age of Exploration. The Age of exploration brought about major landmarks in Geography with the beginnings of world maps and remarkable voyages. Thus, multiple new lands were discovered or at least explored, like the Americas.
  • 1480


    Humanism popped up late in the 14th century as the idea of glorifying humans. It was birthed in the Renaissance era and centered around the fact that humans were rational beings. Humanism in general was a big shift that helped emphasize the need for new knowledge. Humanism has lasted on through time and is still a big part of life even if people don't realize it. It helps people look for reasonable answers celebrating scholarship instead of giving all credit to Gods .