Western Timeline

  • Daniel Boone

    Daniel Boone
    American pioneer,explorer,woodsman and frontiersman. he was the first folk hero of the united states
  • Eli Whitney invented cotton gin

    she wanted to speed up the process of taking the seeds out and getting it ready to use
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark expedition

    Jefferson sent them to the pacific to see what they could find and as they went along they had to write down everything they ran into.
  • The Lousiana Purchase

    a land deal between the United States and France. They just made up that they need so much land they said get up move now
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    this was a war last for 2 and a half years for USA against Uk , Great Britain,Ireland.
  • Indian Removal/Trail of Tears

    Jackson said that theres to many people move the indians west of the mississippi
  • The Oregon Trail

    this is the most important event in american History
  • Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

    Marcus Whitman was an American physcian and missionary in the Oregon Country
  • Manifest Destiny

    during the 19th century period of american expansion that the United States not only could
  • The Donner Party

    pioneers led by GeorgeDonner and Jmaes F. Reed who set up for california
  • The California Gold Rush

    they found gold
  • John Fremont (in California)

    John Charles Fremont or Fremont was an american officer and explorer