Western Timeline

  • Daniel Boone (Kentucky)

    Daniel Boone (Kentucky)
    Boone attempts to settle in Kentucky, but what he did not know is that there were Indians on the land when he landed, this eventually broke out into a war and in the midst of the killing his son James is killed by Indians. Through all of this Boone loses both of his sons an returns to PA.
  • Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin
    This made it easier for seeds to be removed from the cotton fiber, therefore making it easy and fast to get the seeds to be able to plant and pick more cotton than they could with using slaves to do it by hand.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    This expedition lead to leaning through exploration, This also set for settlement of the West, It discovered an area that no one had ever explored before, It let people discover new cultures due to finding people on the land they explored.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    A deal between the United States and France for land, This was good for the United States because this expanded our land giving us access to more resources and land for people to farm and live on.
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    War of 1812

    French and Britain were at a war and they two countries were suspended from trading with each other, but the United States could trade with each of the two warring countries, the war ended with the signing of the treaty of Ghent the war ending in a stalemate.
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    Texas Revolution

    There were many differences both social and political and through this misunderstanding aggrivated the Mexicans.
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    Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

    They were travelers that were going around to teach the Indians the cirriculum of their education.
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    Trail of Tears

    The Cherokee Indians were forced to move out of their land by Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy and had to migrate to present-day Oklahoma the migrants starved, got sick, and were exhausted, 4,000-15,000 of them died from all of these things.
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    The Oregon Trail

    Robert Stuart found a South pass that would eventually be named the Oregon Trail in which wagons could travel to places.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Is a term that was used by the Americans, this phrase basically meant that they were going to expand from coast to coast no matter what.
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    a party of people set out for California, but ended up stuck in the snow in Nevada and eventually died.
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    Mexican War

    A skirmish at Rio Grande sparks the war, this happened because there were border raids and disagreements between the Mexicans and the Americans.
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    The Gold Rush

    James Wilson Marshall discovered gold while he was constructing a saw mill which eventually leads to alot of the wealth in the world and brought people from many places to discover this gold.
  • John Fremont

    John Fremont
    he becamse a millionaire when he has discovered that on his land there was gold.
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    The Battle of Little Bighorn

    Indians wanted to preserve their way of life and this sparked a war between the Americans and the Indians several Americans were killed in the fight.
  • The Massacre of Wounded Knee

    The Massacre of Wounded Knee
    American soldiers stormed a Sioux tribe and the calvary lost 25 men, but they took over the land.