Western Timeline

  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    1804-1806, In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson guided a piece of foreign diplomacy through the U.S. Senate: the purchase of Louisiana territory from France.
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    Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail was a wagon road stretching 2170 miles from Missouri to Oregon's Willamette Valley.
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    War of 1812

    A war the United States and Great Britain over British violations of U.S. maritime rights.
  • Daniel Boone

    September 26, 1820, American pioneer, explorer, woodsman, and frontiersman, whose frontier exploits made him one of the first folk heroes of the United States.
  • Eli Whitney

    January 8, 1825, American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer,and was an inventor of a cotton gin.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    1803, was a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million.
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    Indian Removal/Trail of Tears

    an agreement signed under the provisions of the Indian Removal Act of 1830
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    Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

    American physician and missionary in the Oregon Country
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    Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution began with the battle of Gonzales in October 1835 and ended with the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836
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    Manifest Destiny

    The 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
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    The Mexican War

    An armed conflict between the United States of America and the United Mexican States
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    The Donner Party

    A group of American pioneers led by George Donner and James F. Reed who set out for California in a wagon train in May 1846
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    The California Gold Rush

    It was a big event because gold brought lots of money
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn (Custer’s Last Stand)

    Commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand
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    John Fremont

    American military officer and an early explorer and mapmaker of the American West
  • The Massacre at Wounded Knee

    An attempt to return to the days of their glory, many sought salvation in a new mysticism preached by a Paiute shaman called Wovoka.