The Proclamation of 1763
- Kept colonists close to the coast
- Made it easier to promote English authority
- Taxation was much easier to control with a group of people closer to ports.
- Helped colonists because it extended the land for more opportunity.
Northwest Territory
- More land given to the U.S.
- Also gave more territories based on population.
- The Northwest Ordinance also made slavery illegal in the added territories.
- Aimed to help private individuals.
- Five states created because of it; Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin
Louisiana Purchase
- Granted the U.S. more land.
- It gave the opportunity for people to move out west and navigate through the new land.
- Gave access to the Mississippi River
- Control of the port in New Orleans.
- Doubled the size of the nation
Red River Basin
- Signed treaty with Britain 1818 Convention
- U.S. and Britain will share Oregon Territory
- Gained states; Minnesota and North Dakota
West & East Florida
-John Quincy Adams bargained with Spain to cede all of Florida for $5 million
- Adams-Onis Treaty gave the US control
- U.S. beginning to divide in 3 regions - South, North, and West -
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
- Britain foreign policy problems- slavery
- Settled the northwest boundary dispute
- Gave U.S. the Arstook Valley and along several waterways
- American Citizens in Canada started rebellion in 1837
- Settled the U.S.-Canadian border dispute
Texas Annexation
- Greatest expansion
- Texas would have to keep both public lands and public debt.
- Texas also had to deliver all military, postal, and customs facilities and authority to the U.S. government.
- Conclusion of Mexican American war- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Oregon Territory
- Gold Rush pulled people to region
- More northwest access near the eventual Alaska area
- 500,000 square miles of land.
- Fur trading posts
Mexican Cession
- President Polk in office
- Gain land near Oregon Territory; New Mexico & California
- Mexico separation from US after Texas
- U.S. offered $30 Million for California; Mexico says no
- Americans attack
- US gained California and New Mexico ($15 million)+ $3million Texas extending
Gadsden Purchase
- Gained South Arizona and Southwest New Mexico
- Gained control of South of Gila River and West of Rio Grande
- Transcontinental Railroad can now be run further south
- Many trade opportunities
- $10 Million paid to gain territories
- Russia offers to sell Alaska for $7.2 Million
- 600,000 square miles
- Sugar trade between Hawaii and U.S. prosperous
- McKinley tariff raised import rates for foreign sugar, caused a depression in islands
- Hawaiians tried to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani who wanted stoppage of all foreign connections
- U.S. Marines stormed island to help the citizens and claimed Hawaii
- President Cleveland thinks its foolish, and wants to restore Liliuokalani as queen
- American public sentiment favored the joining of Hawaii to the country
- Next President (McKinley) annexed