Western Herald is Founded
Western Herald is founded in 1916 as The Western Normal Herald making it the longest running student-led organization in WMU history. -
Western Participates in City's Peace Observance
Reporters covered the resulting joy over the armistice agreements that ended World War 1.
"When at 7:30 students appeared for classes they were excused from academic work for the entire day, and were urged to participate in the general celebration." -
Western Normal Herald Becomes The Teachers College Herald
The Western Normal Herald changes its name, coinciding with the change in school name from Western State Normal School to Western State Teachers College. -
The Teachers College Herald Becomes Western Michigan Herald
The Teachers College Herald changes its name once again, which coincides with the change in name of the university from Western State Teachers College to Michigan College of Education. -
Western Michigan Herald Becomes Western Herald
Western Herald changes their name a final time for reasons unknown. -
Nation Shocked by Kennedy Assassination - Backs Lyndon Johnson
"A shocked nation, which saw its late President buried in Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, now turns to its 36th President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, for leadership." -
Martin Luther King to Give Rescheduled Speech Tonight at 8 P.M.
"Now through our ethical and moral commitment, we must make of it a brotherhood. We must all learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools... No individual can live alone. No nation can live alone." - Excerpt from MLK's speech at the University Student Center, now known as the Bernhard Center. -
Black vs. University In 8 Hour Stand-Off
"Black students here entered the University Student Center, Friday, April 5, and held it against White intrusion for eight hours.
"The demonstrators, claiming to be in mourning over the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who died of a gunshot wound the night before, entered the center and chained the main doors..." -
Fate of Viet Relatives Unknown
"Most of the relatives of Western's nine Vietnamese students remain unaccounted for after the fall of Saigon to Viet Cong revolutionaries.... Jan Verry, of the U.S. Senate subcommittee on refugees said, 'Nobody really knows who got out and who didn't.'" -
Clinton promises to kick start U.S.
"William Jefferson Clinton was inaugurated the 42nd president of the United States on Wednesday in a sun splashed ceremony at the Capitol, ushering in a new generation of leadership and pledging to 'face hard truths and take strong steps.'" - Associated Press Insert -
"It's over. After a seemingly endless investigation and impeachment process by Congress, the trial of William Jefferson Clinton is over. Those words are sweet relief to the ears of many Americans." -
Editorial Regarding Columbine Bears Resemblance to Feelings on Parkland Shooting
Editorial claims "profiling students unfair to outcasts, won't stop violence," which bears a striking resemblance to the arguments made over the "Walk Up, Not Out" movement, urging students to talk to students they feel are outcasts. -
Terrorism: Thousands dead, emergency crews work to free survivors
"In the most devastating terrorist onslaught ever waged against the United States, knife-wielding hijackers crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center on Tuesday, toppling its twin 110-story towers. The deadly calamity was witnessed on TVs across the world as another plane slammed into the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed outside Pittsburgh." -Associated Press Insert -
Obama Wins
"Barack Obama swept to victory as the nation's first black president Tuesday night in an electoral college landslide that overcame racial barriers as old as America itself." - AP Special Correspondent