
Western Expansion FTW

  • Period: to

    Western Expansion

    The Expension of the Western united states.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Louisiana Purchase was a very large portion of land sold by the French to the United States. The French sold 828,000 acres which later turned into 15 U.S. states.It was 3 cents per acre and a total of 15 million dollars
  • The Erie Canal Is Completed

    The Erie Canal Is Completed
    The Erie canla was the first 15 mile man made river called a canal. Canals were made before the Erie but, it was the first 15 mile canal that was used to ship goods through america.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The United states passed an act that started forced removal of Indians called the Indian removal act because of land greed.Within ten years of the indian removal act 70,000 indians had been removed.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    Alamo was a great fight between the texians and the Mesicans.
    Famous people that attended the battle were James Bowe,
    Davey Crocket and more. By the end of the battle the Alamo had fallen and all Texians were executed. Later the army of
    santa ana was defeated by houstens army.
  • Texas Gains Independence

    Texas Gains Independence
    Texas Gained Independence from Mexico after defeating santa anna's army soon after the alamo. Sam Houston used a similair tactic used on napoleon to defeat Santa anna. When santra anna was defeated he was given a deal to sign over Texas's Independence or be executed.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail Of Tears lasted ten years and each indian in the Trail was given a specific piece of land in Oklahoma. Many died crossing the Mississippi died or died after words due to disease.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    Oregon Trail was useed by many americans searching for bountiful land and large areas of property. many americans went due to the cheapness of the land in oregon. Many americans died due to disease hardships or going mad or starving.
  • Texas Annexed By the U.S.

    Texas Annexed By the U.S.
    Soon after breaking away from mexico Texas requested to join the USA but, the senate declined. Then after Texas threatened to join with Britian the USA quickly rethought because they didn't want britain to have a foothold in america. So texas joined as the U.S.'s 28th state
  • Mormon Trail

    Mormon Trail
    The Mormon Trail was a1,300 mile route that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints traveled from 1846 to 1868.They began travel due to disagreements with their neighboring societies.
  • U.S. Mexiacn War

    U.S. Mexiacn War
    The Mexican-American War was a major conflict about the belief that America had a God-given right to expand the country's borders from 'sea to shining sea'. The war spanded the space between The Rio Grande and The Nueces rivers.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    The Mexican Cession was the part of mexico that was ceded to the U.S. in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush 1848–1855 began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California. People from every nation all over the world came to strike it rich in california, some even left illegally like the chinease that left china weren't allowed to leace the country.
  • California Becomes a State

    California Becomes a State
    California was signed over after the Mexican war to the United States ,Due to a peace treaty with the Mexicans, Which included present day California and a few other states.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The gadsden Purchase was made when James Gadsden signed a treaty with america. It included parts of Arizona and
    New Mexico.