1100 BCE
The Greek Dark Age
The Mycenaeans civilization vanished because of foreign invasions and local rebellions/wars. Foreign trade declined, agriculture reverted to subsistence levels, and trade with neighboring regions vanished. -
800 BCE
Archaic Age
From 800 BCE to 490 BCE was the re-emergence of sustained contact with foreign cultures. The Ionian Greeks developed their own syllabic alphabet. Greeks started recording literature, poems, and drama. Public performances and debates became popular during this time. Public performance of excellence, not private virtue or good intentions were prized at the time. -
550 BCE
Persian Expansion
Cyrus II the Great, led Persians against the Medes. Then they embarked on a campaign of conquest that lasted up to twenty years. During this time, Darius came to power and expanded the empire further. The Persian Empire was already too large to rule efficiently. Darius improved infrastructure, established postal service, and standardized coinage. -
492 BCE
Persian and Greek Wars
"Barbarians" dominated the region, warriors who rode horseback through the regions. The expanse of land stretching from Indika to Greece was captured and controlled by the Persians. But, by the seventh century BCE, a powerful group called the Medes dominated Persia. They formed a loosely governed empire and ruled over the clans known as the Persians. -
323 BCE
The Hellenistic Age
Greek civilization spread all through the Middle East \because of Alexander the Great. Alexander was a military genius and a courageous leader. He ruled over Greece and brought many triumphs to the empire. After he died, his top generals bickered over who would rule, plummeting the empire into a civil war. They split into different regions and traded with each other for 300 years before being conquered by the Romans. -
Classical Age of Greece
Greek poleis were the most powerful economically and militarily at this time. The most significant Greek philosophers, Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle, lived during this period. The Classical Age is best remembered for its artistic and intellectual achievements instead of political events. During this time Athens was the richest and most influential of all Greek poleis. Athenian democracy was at its strongest.