Western Civilization Timeline

By RWD1987
  • Period: to

    Time span from 17th Century to WW1

    Technological Advancements in Medicine
  • 1656 Canine Blood Transfer

    The tests of canine blood transfusions was successful in 1656, as it paved the possibility of hope for human blood transfusions. This proved to be very important, as it was at a time of great poverty and disease. In addition, such factors as war, and poor working conditions, provide an avenue for sickness to run rapid, not only among humans, but also animals such as dogs as well.
  • 1656 Intravenous Medications

    Tests would continue to press forward the advancement of medicine. A man by the name of Christopher Wren would be credited as being the original person who would give medication by means of vein. It was said that he used tools such as a quill and animal bladder, and soon his work would lead to the discovery and use of vaccinations. Such a discovery is important as this would provide a means of treating those injured in war or due to disease during this time period much more efficiently.
  • 1670 Blood Cells Discovered

    It would be the explanation by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, regarding the idea that cells are like a drop of pond in the water. This would lead to the uncovering of Blood Cells, and would eventually provide a means of unlimited medical advancements. This discovery, would be one that is unknown regarding the discoveries during this time period, but was vital in understanding the human anatomy. This also, would help to understand how to better provide medication to treat patients and disease.
  • 1683 The View of Bacteria

    As science pressed forward Anton van Leeuwenhoek would eventually uncovered and observe Single celled organisms using a hand made microscope. He would then use knowledge he gained to describe these organisms. This would be another discovery that would help to better understand how organisms work whether in the human body, or bacteria from a virus or disease.
  • 1701 First Smallpox Inoculations

    This wold be this first time that vaccinations were deemed a success. The Smallpox vaccinations which were developed, which would help to provide treatment to the massive amount of smallpox outbreaks that were occurring. Therefore, rather than having not treatment, such vaccinations provided a cure for such an epicdemic
  • 1747 Citrus Fruits (Medicinal Value)

    In 1747, after much more had been learned about single cell organisms, this lead to future understanding of bacteria's and even cures that could come from other organisms. Therefore, it was discovered by James Lind that citrus fruits could prevent scurvy. This would lead to works to be published by Lind, which would help those always on ships out at sea. This would be important, as many of the naval fleet and armies, were stationed on boats.
  • 1763 First Successful appendetomy

    It would be in 1763, that the technological advancement in medicine wold play a role in providing better health to individuals. Dr. Claudius Amyand would complete the first successful operation on a 11 year old boys appendix, this would then lead to the first treatment of acute appendicitis. This would be very important, not only for small children, but the discovery was made that if a part of the body become infected or diseased, one cold be operated on instead of the possibility of death.
  • 1790 Smallpox Immunity

    It would be in 1796, that the discovery of smallpox immunity would take place. A test would be observed where a sample of pus from a patient by the name of Sarah Nelmes who had cowpox, would be applied to a cut on a local boy. As days passed, the boy would be found to not have smallpox. This was an enormous discovery in the advancement of medicine, as it mean that one could prevent or even develop immunity to such disease and epidemics. This would provide the prevention of the spread of disease.
  • 1800 Nitrus Oxide : Anethestic Uses

    In 1800, an important discovery would be made that would not only help advance medicine further, but also would contribute to more comfort for the patient. A man by the name of Humphrey Davy would find that the result of a means of anesthesia, using nitrous oxide. This mean that those injured, diseased, or elderly, could have such procedures done to better their health, without the agonizing pain. This would prove useful in mending those injured in war to a much faster recovery than before.
  • 1816 The Discovery of the Stethoscope

    in 1816, a French Doctor, by the name of Rene Laennec, found that he was not found of listening to individuals organs by laying his head close to their chest. Therefore, he would then have an idea based on his childhood education to create a cone out of sheets of paper in order to listen to a patients organs. This advancement would be revolutionary as it provided a better way of listening and monitoring a patients organs. Thus, this would be a development that would widely used in the modern day
  • 1818 Trials of Human Blood Transfusions

    In 1818, what was once the long shot idea of Human blood transfusion with the success of canine blood transfusions in the year 1656, it would be nearly 162 years later that the first Human Blood Transfusion would be performed. This operation was performed on a patient that hemorrhaged during childbirth, by a doctor by the name of James Blundell. During the 18th Century this was huge, because it provide a means of saving someones life, using blood transfusions.
  • 1879 Cholers Vaccination

    As medicine advance into the late 1800's, due to the success of the smallpox vaccinations, medicine advance to discover possible vaccinations for other types of viruses. A man by the name of Waldemar Haffkine developed a vaccination for Cholera. This would be a milestone in discovery, as this would lead to a vaccination for the bubonic plague, which devastated humanity in the amount of deaths it caused.
  • 1887 The Emergence of the Contact Lense

    This discovery would be long in the making over the course of history. From Lenardo da Vinci sketches in 1508 of altercations to the eye. This would lead to the development such a lens by F.A. Mueller 1887
  • 1895 Technlolgical Advancment using X-Ray

    In 1895, as many advancements were taking place which helped to better societies health and to treat the disease of those that were injured or elderly. Such developments would lead to the understanding of radiation for the purpose of seeing the bones of a patient. A German professor by the name of Wilhelm Roentgen, would discover electromagnetic radiation in wavelength range. This would not be the first time this was studied, but this time it was understood.
  • 1857 The Understanding of Germ and Diseases

    As advancement had been made up to this point, the ongoing research of how single organisms work, would propel the discovery of germs, by Louis Pasteur. He would develop the "Germ Theory" which states that some diseases are due to microorganisms in the human body, Also, that such microorganism live and reproduce, which contribute to disease. This would be of high importance in the advancement of medicine, as it sought to understand more about microorganisms and there role in disease.