English Civil War Begins
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English Civil War
Louis XIV takes the throne
Louis takes control over the crown at the age of five. His mother Mary will run it on his behalf during his younger years. -
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Louis XIV
English Civil War Ends
Thomas Hobbes Publishes Leviathan
Louis XIV begins the first of many wars in his reign
Glorious Revolution
Parliament forces James II to abdicate and invites the daughter of James II, Mary, and her husband, William of Orange, to take the English throne. -
John Locke Publishes Two Treatises of Government and Essay concerning Human Understanding
Atlantic System changes the world economy
The Atlantic system helped extend European trade across the globe -
Louis XIV Dies
Start of the "Terror"
Maximilien Robespierre was leader during this time -
Stamp Act
Placed a special tax on all legal documents and publications. Got repealed after violent rioting in the colonies. -
Tea Act
Led to colonists boarding British ships and dumping imported tea into the Boston harbor. -
American Revolution Begins
Wealth of Nations
American Declaration of Independence from Great Britain; Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations -
Congress Proclaims Declaration of Independence.
end of American Revolution
American colonies achieved their independence in the peace treaty of 1783. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
End of the "Terror"
Napoleon Bonapart comes into power
Napoleon signs concordat with the people
Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France
Napoleon wins his greatest victory at Austerlitz
Napoleon invades Russia
Napoleon defeated at waterloo
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Otto von Bismarck
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Karl Marx
Revolution of 1830
Industrial Revolution - Factory Act
Regulates the work of children in Great Britain; slavery abolished in the British Empire -
Revolution of 1848
Marx and Engels publish The Comunist Manifesto
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Positivism and Darwinism become popular in social and political thought
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Britain and France clash with Russia in the Crimean War
Bismark manipulates the EMS telegram and sparks the Franco-Prussian War
end of Franco-Prussian War
Bismarck begins Kulturkampf against Catholic influence
Scramble for Africa
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Bismarck sponsors social welfare legislation
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Berlin Conference (Scramble for Africa)
Fourneed nations held a series of meetings to decide their settlements along the African coast guaranteed their rights to the interior territory as well. -
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Dreyfus Affair lays bare anti-semitism in France
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The Great War (WWI)
United States enters War
Russian Revolution
overturns tsarist autocracy -
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Paris Peace Conference
United States Stock market crashes
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The Great Depression
Hitler comes to power in Germany (Nazism)
Germany surrenders
United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
ends WWI -
India gains independence from Britain
Laos and Vietnam recieve Independence
Period: to
Vietnam War
Soviets launch Sputnik satellite into space
East German Workers begin to Construct the Berlin Wall
United States and USSR face off in the Cuban missile crisis
U.S. astronauts walk on the moon
North Vietnam and United States sign peace treaty
The fall of the Berlin Wall
Louis XIV revokes toleration for French Protestants granted by the Edict of Nantes