Western Civilization

  • English Civil War Begins

  • Period: to

    English Civil War

  • Louis XIV takes the throne

    Louis takes control over the crown at the age of five. His mother Mary will run it on his behalf during his younger years.
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV

  • English Civil War Ends

  • Thomas Hobbes Publishes Leviathan

  • Louis XIV begins the first of many wars in his reign

  • Glorious Revolution

    Parliament forces James II to abdicate and invites the daughter of James II, Mary, and her husband, William of Orange, to take the English throne.
  • John Locke Publishes Two Treatises of Government and Essay concerning Human Understanding

  • Atlantic System changes the world economy

    The Atlantic system helped extend European trade across the globe
  • Louis XIV Dies

  • Start of the "Terror"

    Maximilien Robespierre was leader during this time
  • Stamp Act

    Placed a special tax on all legal documents and publications. Got repealed after violent rioting in the colonies.
  • Tea Act

    Led to colonists boarding British ships and dumping imported tea into the Boston harbor.
  • American Revolution Begins

  • Wealth of Nations

    American Declaration of Independence from Great Britain; Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
  • Congress Proclaims Declaration of Independence.

  • end of American Revolution

    American colonies achieved their independence in the peace treaty of 1783.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

  • End of the "Terror"

  • Napoleon Bonapart comes into power

  • Napoleon signs concordat with the people

  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France

  • Napoleon wins his greatest victory at Austerlitz

  • Napoleon invades Russia

  • Napoleon defeated at waterloo

  • Period: to

    Otto von Bismarck

  • Period: to

    Karl Marx

  • Revolution of 1830

  • Industrial Revolution - Factory Act

    Regulates the work of children in Great Britain; slavery abolished in the British Empire
  • Revolution of 1848

  • Marx and Engels publish The Comunist Manifesto

  • Period: to

    Positivism and Darwinism become popular in social and political thought

  • Period: to

    Britain and France clash with Russia in the Crimean War

  • Bismark manipulates the EMS telegram and sparks the Franco-Prussian War

  • end of Franco-Prussian War

  • Bismarck begins Kulturkampf against Catholic influence

  • Scramble for Africa

  • Period: to

    Bismarck sponsors social welfare legislation

  • Period: to

    Berlin Conference (Scramble for Africa)

    Fourneed nations held a series of meetings to decide their settlements along the African coast guaranteed their rights to the interior territory as well.
  • Period: to

    Dreyfus Affair lays bare anti-semitism in France

  • Period: to

    The Great War (WWI)

  • United States enters War

  • Russian Revolution

    overturns tsarist autocracy
  • Period: to

    Paris Peace Conference

  • United States Stock market crashes

  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Hitler comes to power in Germany (Nazism)

  • Germany surrenders

  • United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    ends WWI
  • India gains independence from Britain

  • Laos and Vietnam recieve Independence

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Soviets launch Sputnik satellite into space

  • East German Workers begin to Construct the Berlin Wall

  • United States and USSR face off in the Cuban missile crisis

  • U.S. astronauts walk on the moon

  • North Vietnam and United States sign peace treaty

  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

  • Louis XIV revokes toleration for French Protestants granted by the Edict of Nantes