Ancient Rome valued: Violence- gladiators fought to the death in the Coliseum, huge army that used force to take over.
Government - We get our separation of powers in the government from Rome.
Republic- people have some political power.
Law of Nations- when you are born, you have rights even if you are accused of a crime. -
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages were called the Dark Ages, because tragic things were occurring such as death from war and Western Rome falls. -
Nov 21, 1300
1. Renaissance: Rebirth of Greece and Rome • Classic ideals Greek and Roman Ideas -
Nov 21, 1492
European Exploration
God - bring Christianity to non-Christian natives of the "new world" Gold - Europeans wanted Gold/ Silver for trade with Asia Glory - Providing themselves through conquest
sense of adventure -
Nov 21, 1521
Luther stapled 95-thesis to the door and was excommunicated from the catholic church
Start of Luthernism -
Spanish Armada
England won over spanish because of better weapons advantages -
Sci Rev
scientific revolution is used to indicate the historical period in which the modern methods of scientific inquiry were established. -
King Louis XIV
He was an example of absolutuion which meant he had total power over government -
Glorious Rev
William and Mary -
Greece valued :Sports Athleticism, and architecture with big buildings, art/ sculpture. Physical beauty. Religion