Rome created tunnels which we still use now. They also said that anyone who worked and lived in Rome was Roman, which an idea we still use today. -
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages were known for the Black Death and the Hundereds Year War. Also the Church was the most important thing in the time, like going and being a catholic -
Nov 21, 1300
Art was becoming based on real life and not fake people. The church wasnt as important. -
Nov 21, 1492
European Exploration
Time of Colombus. Gold, Glory and God. When Europe found many places. -
Nov 21, 1521
Reformation-Martin Luther
People believed you could buy your way into heaven. Martin luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the church, which was his 95 complaints about the church. -
Spanish Armada
130 ships used by Spain to invade England. They failed. -
Scientific Revolution
The time period when modern methods of scientific inquiry were made. -
When a ruler has complete control. -
Glorious Revelution
The change from absolute monarchy to limited power -
Greece was known for having artwork of nude males. Also they created columns in architecture. The greek started the Olympic Games and we still have them now.